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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. Bitch gets drunk off one beer, and shitfaced by the third. Asian people.
  3. LMAO! So then by that "definition", my wife is the only person in the world who drinks but isn't an alcoholic. :lol:
  4. I see right through your sarcasm and read this like you're talking about yourself. I've never craved alcohol when I'm hungover. Infact the last thing in the world that I want when I'm hungover is more alcohol. I also rarely drink during the day. Sorry to burst your bubble, but not everybody who drinks on a regular basis is a fucking fiend who has to wake up to the shit and spend every waking minute of their entire day drunk. You jealous?
  5. I always thought an Alcoholic was somebody who was physically dependent on alcohol. There's times when I just don't feel like drinking and so I don't. And I don't get the shakes or have seizures. If you do then I can understand you having to quit I guess. But just know that just because there's something wrong with you doesn't necessarily mean that there's something wrong with everybody else.
  6. Actually, I drink a lot less than I used to. There's a lot to be said for moderation. I'm sure your AA Bible disagrees with that though.
  7. Crossfire is flooded with more idiocy than Ch0, 4chan and a Glenn Beck rally combined. Or was that supposed to be sarcasm?
  8. I just drink some beers when I get a craving for alcohol. Sucks for you's.
  9. You clearly don't get it. Maybe graffiti isn't for you.
  10. If you need a Ch0 thread to keep you from stabbing needles in your arm, then you're doing it wrong.
  11. Isn't this also a drug talk thread?
  12. Kinda defeats the purpose of having it in HD in the first place if it's gonna look like shit.
  13. Am I seriously the only one on here who can't watch HD videos because they look like shit? The whole time I tried to watch that video I was moving my mouse around looking for somewhere I could click to turn the HD off so that I could watch the fucking video because it just kept skipping around like I was watching someone flip through a hand drawn cartoon on a stack of paper. But there was no HD icon to click off.
  14. Westgate's style reminds me of a cross between Huffnagel and Barley. Him and Tolentino are both sick as fuck.
  15. There was this dude in Philly back in the mid 90's named Wild Bill who used to do kickflips down the city hall 6, and crooked grinds and shit on the Love ledges on a longboard. Granted it was the type of longboard that looked like a stretched out version of a regular board and not these sector-9 type shits, but it was still a longboard. I think he even came off in a 411 doing said kickflip down the city hall 6. Dude was the homie, but he was a little off his rocker if you know what I mean. Hence the name.
  16. At first I was like :confused: Then I watched a little and I was like :huh2: Then I watched a little more and I realized that they were just clowning on themselves, and then I was like. :biglaugh: Or were they? :huh2: Bottom line is they built launch ramps and landing ramps just to be able to do tricks that real skateboarders were doing 25 years ago off of launch ramps and no landing ramps. Way to prove what idiots you's are.
  17. Must spread some rep before propping you again. Penny is my all time favorite. I remember that early footage from the Powell 8 video if I remember right. It was the first time I ever heard of him. I'm half tempted to call you a TPWF for saying that he still dresses the same as he did in that clip though. Only a TPWF would say some shit like that. :lol:
  18. That park looks like my cup of tea. And doing whatever the fuck I want sounds like my cup of tea too. If it's chill like that though then how come there's no graffiti there? I don't even see buff.
  19. ^LMAO @ the DK cover. I really wanna skate that park. Is it in Seattle, or some other town in Washington?
  20. Personally my setup for impossibles and tre flips are not even close to similar, but whatever gets it done for you is what it is. The only 360 shoves I can do are the 1991 kind where my tail doesn't pop and my wheels are sliding on the ground, but Pissdrunk can vouch for my impossible game.
  21. I never stopped doing them. I also still do the occasional pressure flip, but the way I pop and catch them people who don't know about me think it's a hardflip. It used to piss people off when I would bust out impossibles and nollie pressureflips in a game of skate. :biglaugh:
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