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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. Seriously.... What's the deal with you people? http://news.yahoo.com/gps-tracking-disaster-japanese-tourists-drive-straight-pacific-172043575--abc-news.html
  2. I fucking hate religion. Bunch of stupid, neanderthal fucks doing their best to make life miserable for the rest of us.
  3. "You must spread some reputation around before giving it to eviltrailor77 again"
  4. There are some redneck counties that have fucked up laws about not selling beer on Sundays and shit though. There's even "Dry counties" where you can't buy alcohol at all. But that's some obscure bible belt type shit. Nowhere worth going to much less living there.
  5. Just another day to me. I don't drink any more on holidays than I do on a normal night. I also try to avoid bars on weekends and that goes double for holidays. And if I happen to wear anything green on St. Patties day then it's just a coincidence. Never understood why people need an excuse to get drunk. You can get beer 365 days of the year.
  6. Not just for what he's asserting that Obama wants everybody to get a liberal arts degree at a college and that he was dissing blue collar workers when that's actually not what Obama even said at all. What Obama actually said was that he wants every American to be able to seek some form of higher education whether it be college, technical school or apprenticeship. And then when Santorum got called out on it in an ABC interview, his excuse was "oh well I get my facts from my aids. so if my info was incorrect then it's their fault."
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