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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. Uh... after paying a fucking lawyer to get it back for her. Stop trolling you fucking faggot.
  2. I was under the impression that dude who killed his pops got knocked for it. Unless you provide a link saying otherwise I'm calling bullshit. And yes I'm too lazy right now to look it up myself. You could be right, but prove it.
  3. For a beaner, you sure sound like you spend a lot of time on white power websites. :biglaugh:
  4. ^This! It's basically a fucking permanent high beam. How the fuck is it illegal to drive around with your high beams on, but fine to drive around blinding people with that halogen bullshit???
  5. Why? Because they actually admit that they're Nazis, or because they call themselves socialists? I always thought it was ironic as fuck that they had the word socialist in their name. Not just because Nazism and socialism are polar opposites, but because it's a historical fact that the original Nazi's used red scare propaganda painting Jews as a bunch of commie pinkos to gain support from the rural rednecks of Germany. Kinda exactly what the modern day Republican party is doing via Fox News.
  6. Nobody gives a shit about close ups of your scribe on a mirror or urinal pipe. This thread is for bombed out bathrooms that are annihilated. Fucking christ...
  7. That still doesn't take away from the fact that you're the corny motherfucker who pays attention to other peoples post counts, then makes a thread crying about it only to have said thread backfire on you. Seriously... who does that?
  8. My 5 year old told me to "close the fucking closet door" one time as I was putting him to bed.
  9. Fox News paints neo Nazi's as a "civil rights group". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyzDgsi5dIU&feature=player_embedded
  10. Some of you niggas sound gay as fuck. If you're only gonna watch one of these, watch the "Peanut gets laid" jawn.
  11. Whatever you do, just don't post pics of yourself gaying out like a flaming homosexual and then turn around and call niggas fag on the same website that you have pics floating around of yourself looking like a flaming homosexual..
  12. If he moves to San Antonio he can claim to be Mexican. All the other white people down here get away with that.
  13. Nigga never had a bloody nose in his life. SMFH
  14. Sushi = sushi = yuppie shit. Did not watch that video, but raw fish and grilled steak are worlds apart. You might as well say some dumb shit like "BBQ sushi".
  15. Nigga got 100 posts in a day posting pics in metal heads. The fuck have you ever contributed outside of Channel Zero? You've posted way more than 25 posts just arguing with people like me in one day. 12oz glitches that erase threads don't erase peoples memories you fucking clown. :lol:
  16. Get familiar... Peanut gets head: Peanut gets laid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBHm4UOSTD0&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fresults%3Fsearch_query%3Dpeanut%2Bgets%2Blaid%26oq%3Dpeanut%2Bgets%2Blaid%26aq%3Df%26aqi%3Dg1g-m1%26aql%3D%26gs_nf%3D1%26gs_l%3Dyoutube-reduced.3..0j0i5.2445299.2451725.0.2452026. Peanut drawin: Peanut aint dead nigga:
  17. Sushi is yuppie food. And if you're spending $5 on a loaf of bread, that better be some good ass yuppie bread.
  18. "Minnesota Waitress Sues After Police Seize $12,000 'Tip' ABC NewsBy JENNIFER ABBEY | ABC News – Wed, Apr 4, 2012" ^This is when the story I posted was aired. I posted it on the 5th. "Apr 6, 2012 9:47 AM" ^This is when the story you posted aired. And when you posted it. Keep trolling, faggot.
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