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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. "Minnesota Waitress Sues After Police Seize $12,000 'Tip'" "that "miracle" quickly came and went after police seized a $12,000 tip that was left at her table." "a woman left a to-go box from another restaurant on the table. Knutson followed the woman to her car to return the box to her. "No I am good, you keep it," the woman said" The fuck is your definition of a tip?
  2. Waitress gets $12,000 tip and decides for some reason she needs to report it to the po. Then is shocked when they tell her she's beat. http://news.yahoo.com/minnesota-waitress-sues-police-seize-12-000-tip-212757225--abc-news-topstories.html
  3. Actually I have something installed in my house that makes loud noises that scares fiends off should they decide to try it. You really think that anybody actually sticks around long enough for the cops even be called much less actually show up?
  4. Like Chupa said, I'm not coming at you personally just the retarded mentality that you seem to be halfway sticking up for.
  5. "No frontside 360's when Jeremy Wray is in the house, brah!!!" :lol:
  6. So then we live in Soviet America?
  7. You aight fam? http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/tornadoes-dallas-twisters-touch-down-national-weather-issues-200159831.html
  8. This shit looks like one of those before and after meth pics. http://www.ontheredcarpet.com/That-70s-Show-arrest:-Lisa-Robin-Kelly-detained-for-spousal-assault-Photo/8606527&rss=rss-wabc-ent_story-8606527
  9. ^^I've seen that in Philly.
  10. In my experience, nobody likes a whiny little bitch. There's always gonna be up and comers who are better than you. The fuck they supposed to do, hold back just for you?
  12. You'd have to be a whiny little bitch to get butt-hurt over something like that. "Don't land my trick, bro!!!" SMH
  13. I wouldn't do that if I were you. http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/137745/illinois-man-faces-75-years-in-prison-for-recording-police/
  14. Make sure you get a permit. If the cops respond to a false alarm you'll get fined for not having one. Our home security failed to tell us that we needed one. *Edit, I see you already mentioned that. $50 a month??? Ours was like $97 for the year.
  15. There's already a hands thread, but it just devolved into another toys self promo thread just like all these type of threads seem to turn into.
  16. Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard ^You know what, he's right. The fuck do I know? Listen to three dudes from other countries instead.
  17. Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard What are you talking about? I don't know how shit is in whatever country you're from, but in America you're paying off whatever price you settled on over 30 years + interest to the bank who in all reality is the one who actually bought the house. And it's up to you to pay for whatever goes wrong that needs to be fixed being as home owners insurance rarely covers anything. And then after you pay the house off 30 years later, you still have to pay the maintenance+all bills+worthless home owners insurance+property taxes. It kinda makes a lot of sense when you're young (like dude who made this thread), unmarried and without kids, (like the dude who made this thread) and live in modern day America (like dude who made this thread) where just because you have a good paying job now, doesn't mean you will next year or even next month.
  18. Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard My mortgage payments are less than they would be if I was renting, but when you factor in maintenance plus the fact that you have to pay all bills it probably works out to be about the same as if I was renting anyways. And what we had to scrounge up for the down payment, there's no comparison that can be made between that and a first and last months deposit for renting. Like I said though, unless there's a reason why you need to own your shit (IE backyard ramp or whatever), my advice would be to just rent. especially if you ain't even married with kids. As for the dog situation, you can rent a house with a back yard.
  19. Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard Also, unless you're filthy rich to where you can pay the whole shit up front, you don't even really own the shit anyways. You're just paying rent to the bank for 30 years while having to handle the maintenance out of pocket the whole time.
  20. Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard My theory on the matter has always been that unless you're into skateboarding and want a backyard for a ramp, you're better off just renting. So less of a hassle being as it's on your landlord to handle the upkeep, and so easier to walk away from if you decide you wanna move. The only reason we bought our house was so that I could build a ramp in the back yard. The ramp is started, but between working full time and pulling the teeth that it takes to get homies to actually help work on the shit, I'll be lucky if it's done before the December 2012 apocalypse. Also, home owners insurance is a hustle. They don't cover shit.
  21. That Kair style TBR is on point.
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