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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. I'm only an asshole when I wanna be. Plus I don't drink as much as I used to.
  2. Why would I talk shit when most people on here know that's not even me? I just laugh at the few of you who believe that it is. If you's were doing this with an actual picture of me I might be slightly miffed, but as it stands I think it's funny that some of you think that I shot some dude over talking in the movies.
  3. When I clicked on this my spyware went apeshit talking about blocking threats and all that. I don't think I'll be giving it a minute of my time.
  4. This isn't directed at anybody in particular, just an open statement. Since some of the younger generation seems to be confused on the issue. 360 pop shove-its are not impossibles.
  5. I see what you're trying to do there.
  6. It baffles me how you guys can spot "oversteez" in dudes who in my opinion skate like robots, yet when I point out people like Quim Cardona and Fred Gaul none of you's see it. I'm not trying to argue about it or anything, it's just another one of them Channel Zero Twighlight Zone moments for me.
  7. Agreed to agree. Like I said, Quim has a sick oversteez. I wasn't knocking him for it, just pointing it out since yall brought up the topic.
  8. I don't think it's as stupid as some of you west coasters and younger cats slang. I'll bet you actually say "hella" on a regular basis. :lol:
  9. Yo we def have different definitions then, because all I saw at 1:07 and 1:11 was him absorbing his weight while riding out of a bank. I don't think he was deliberately throwing any extra funk in that.
  10. If that video I posted isn't the definition of "oversteez", then I don't know what to tell you. I assumed you were talking about dudes who purposefully contort themselves while doing and after landing tricks in an attempt to show off how much style they have or whatever. Thus overdoing it or "oversteezing" it.
  11. When you's speak of "oversteez", I think more along the line of east coast 90's skaters like Fred Gaul and Quim Cardona. They had a pretty sick oversteez.
  12. That's because you're a fucking moron who doesn't know Vaj's cunt juice from Glicks ball seed. There are a wide variety of performance enhancing drugs that do a lot to enhance performance other than just muscle building steroids you 20teen year old, rubbing alcohol drinking, sloppy seconds slurping, jackass. *Edit: I can't believe I missed this post earlier.
  13. This man disagrees: [ATTACH]162731.vB[/ATTACH] Not all performance enhancing drugs are steroids bro. They have shit that increases everything from endurance and stamina, to focus and coordination, to testosterone etc. etc. I actually watched some 60 minutes story on Lance Armstrong where one of his team mates was snitching all over him and their entire team. He basically said that their entire sport is so dependant on performance enhancing drugs that you literally can't compete unless you're on them. After watching that episode and listening to what dude said about people who aren't "doping", as they call it, literally can not compete in their sport I started thinking about the comparisons with modern day skateboarding. Like I said this is just my theory for now, but it's based off of 23 years of skateboarding. Skateboard technology hasn't changed in the past 17 or so years. Yet the absolute ridiculousness of what some people have been doing on a skateboard lately has been on some superman shit. It's just my personal theory, and I'm sticking with it. If you disagree, then we can change the subject.
  14. Last I checked EBPH aka NBB blew me up to ASS aka Level75nerdassnigga who then put me on blast to Channel Zero. Maybe you weren't around for that. That was a hundred screen names ago, but all I have to do is type a sentence and people know who I am on here. I guess I have personality LOL!
  15. Nigga don't lie... You took that pic didn't you?
  16. There's nothing stupid about what I said at all. I'm sure if this was the 90's and I said Mark McGuire was juicing, or a few years ago if somebody said that Lance Armstrong was "doping", you would have called them an idiot. All's I know is that when it does come out that certain pro's are "doping" then I'm going to quote your post with size 7 red AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA'S. Until then that's all I have to say on this topic. End topic.
  17. It's cool that you're a fan of graffiti and all, but all you're going to accomplish by trying to get people on here to meet up with you is make people think you're either a cop or a nut. You're just barking up the wrong tree.
  18. As somebody who's skated in and even won contests (pro or not, it doesn't matter) that are based on your run being flawless and consistent, I can personally tell you that nobody takes risks like this. In this contest format, people just do what they have on lock because if you miss even one or two tricks you miss one or two placings at minimal. Contests like this are not like the Maloof where you can miss a million tricks, but still place on the one or two that you did land. Therefore this is a prime example of exactly what the fuck I'm talking about.
  19. That's my point exactly. There's a serious amount of skate rats who would be willing to give an arm and possibly even a leg to be able to do shit like this: ^Yet this jock basically grew up focusing the majority of his attention on his MTV image. Like I already said, I'm really not interested in arguing with people in England about this subject. I'm just calling shotgun on when the truth actually does comes out.
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