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n30n b0n35

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Posts posted by n30n b0n35

  1. That is way better than the last one you posted. Keep at it dude, its just a matter of practice and being self critical. It helps to analyse your work after you finish it, look over it and think what you would do different next time, dont just discard it and blast through to the next piece.


    Its all stuff i have been told btw lol, im not a style master, its hand me down knowledge.

  2. I think youre going too blocky with it, try and make it one curvy bar like the S on your keyboard. People will keep telling you to do letters like your keyboard and honestly its good advice, at least until you find your groove.

  3. Thx guys. I used these random kurecolor pens i had for the fill, black sharpie for the 3D and molotow white paint marker for the highlight. I really want to get into fades but im not sure how to go about it :/


    I like that ORSE hand but i would lose one of the big swirls, seems a little overboard. Probly the one on the E but i dunno, my hand is pretty crappy XD

  4. I like them both dark. I do think the O on the first one is going a little Q like with that connection and that block off the H is not helping the O at all. Overall ure shapes look solid to me dude.

  5. ye man go for it, anyone wanna fuck with my name is cool, always nice to see ideas.


    Darkeist: Really feelin the rezo and deos, think ure going in a good direction. The yokais not so much but s'all good.

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