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n30n b0n35

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Posts posted by n30n b0n35

  1. Liking it SAON, little squashed for space otherwise its dope.


    SUNK, stuffs lookin pretty good, keep an eye on ure 3D and clean up ure lines a bit, theyre a little wobbly. Just keep bashin away with the simples bro!

  2. i didnt mean you were hating on them dude, i seen posts in the past talkin whack. Good to hear youre moving towards getting one tho.


    Your sketch: Your lines are a little wobbly and ure 3D is pretty off. Try and keep your stuff as clean as possible for maximum effect. Keep your letters separate for now, no overlaps too. When doing 3D its easier to start by picking one direction and have all your lines coming from there. E.g. up down left or right, that should help out ure inconsistent 3D. Also, PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE.

  3. whats the hate on sketchbooks/blackbooks? I can understand the keeping to pencil no colour for a while but if anything a book encourages you to draw more, especially when you can look back and see how ure improving. Its like stepping up and saying "fuck ye im serious, i got a book, lets do this" lol. Just me?...

  4. Seriously tho crafty cleft, go a little simpler, i think you moved past the comfort zone a little too soon. Letters need to be consistent in their style, as if they're all from the same font set.

  5. Your letters are always solid Darkeist but i wanna see you freak them out a bit. Let your shit be off a bit and just see what comes out cos ure structure is on point to me. Go a bit crazy and if its shit scrap it but i guarantee that there will be something you like about it and thats the shit you wanna refine. I dunno, im no better than you man, its just something someone told me and it rings true in my head. No Beef, no shit.


    Some words from an egoless toy lol...

  6. If anyone needs advice then snotballs pretty much got it down. I have seen his shit in the new sketch thread and it is fucking insanely good.


    And SAON, im really feeling your stuff, keep it up! I like the way ure getting that slice of colour highlight in before u go for the black 3D, nice effect.

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