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n30n b0n35

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Posts posted by n30n b0n35

  1. ^^^ separate your letters a bit more, space them out and let em breathe. Work on ure letter thicknesses too, keep all bars the same width. It probly wouldnt hurt to study some simple letter forms further back on this thread cos that K is pretty out there on the first ones. You wanna construct ure O like a donut, one solid curved block, u dont wanna be missing out the holes in letters right now.


    Hope that helps!

  2. Thats harsh dude. Nice to see you wanna keep with it.


    If youre gonna get into writing letters everyone is gonna tell you to do simples, thats the only place to start. Even letter widths, consistent letter sizes.

  3. Those are solid RUCK, good lookin out.


    Any crits for my toy battle post? Any tips on working my handstyle aswell? like, best way to practice. Is it better to practice words or alphabets?



  4. ^^^ not bad dude, try an keep ure 3D depth consistent for all the letters, like, the A and the H have some bugs. Personally i think if you have trouble with 3D try and just do it all to one direction till you get used to it. North south east west, the perspective vanishing point thing your doing is tricky to keep consistent.

  5. REAK- Personally i would try and keep the letters all on the same straight level rather than this curve round i have noticed with your pieces, will help to balance things up a bit, you need that solid foundation before you fuck with orientation too much. Solid letters tho, not feeling the small links too much. When colouring aswell try and colour in the same direction for each colour otherwise you get a bit of a patchy effect. My 2 cents.


    Blue and orange to finish the page.

  6. tbh MOSK, im massively feeling the plain black outline one, the biggest one on the first page of your repost. I think the letters have potential, skinny O and S but whatever, potential none-the-less.


    My word doesnt matter shit tho. Do what you feel. I think youre on the way.

  7. cheers for the advice peeps. Also, i have never and will never use a ruler, everything i do is straight from the wrist.


    Im gonna give some more time to my handstyle and maybe try some throws, have never really given them much time which is pretty cheap of me.

  8. 0071_by_n30n_b0n35-d39vv0p.jpg



    Just trying shit out. I pretty much feel the same way about my letters as you guys, i can get shit clean but it all looks so fug ugly to me... Any pointers to beautify my letter shapes??? maybe my style is just weird lol.

  9. ^^^ I would say your S is a little to much into your H. The whole H-A situation is a little confusing. Maybe develop it a bit more to distinguish the letters from each other. Personally i think this real blocky simple your going for needs all the letters straight for the impact, thats just me tho. Im no boss. Also, your S is a little thinner than the rest of your letters. Keep at it!

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