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n30n b0n35

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Posts posted by n30n b0n35

  1. U need to use an image host like Flickr or something to upload pictures. Copy the picture link, click the "insert image" button in the reply box and paste the picture address into it. Cant really help unless we can see something. Besides, my throws are fuckin awful lol.

  2. SNEEK. The only thing im not feeling about ure flake is the E, the bottom leg going under the K leg is totally lost to me. Other than that i cant really crit, ure style is a fair bit more complex then mine lol.

  3. Nice one RAKSE, cool to see me letters, havent written them in long time, been super busy and i still wanna finish up a trade for SAON. I sort of miss the old YOKAI at this point lol.

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  4. Real talk Sneek, all great advice. I find myself in the new sketch thread often thinking the add ons need to be toned back.


    As you progress you realise that orientation of your letters is important too, not just shape. (look at CAN2) I still have a fuck of a long way to go but its good to keep these things in mind.

  5. Darkeist, I think you have a solid grasp on letters man just keep bashing away at it and changing it up slightly each time, other than that i dont really know what to say. Maybe get involved in the battles a bit more, doing different letters and trying to win something tends to up my game a bit.

  6. Nice man, see what you mean about the A and I, theyre the only ones leaning. Maybe needed to give the I a bit more room too. K-A connection is dope tho. Will have ures up in a day or 2.

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