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n30n b0n35

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Posts posted by n30n b0n35

  1. ye, molotow paint markers, the thick ones. For the highlights i just bought some white acrylic and a brush so i tested that out too.


    Also, thx for the advice, i like your throws so i will give it a go.


    hey that rhymed! @_____@;

  2. some nice person wanna help me out with a YOKAI throw? the Y is still killin me... Just feel like im biting hard when i try to get some style going.


    also, loving those meks and vims.

  3. i know, still super toy lol, but i did some more throws and tryed out a new handstyle, lemme know what you think/what i could do to improve



    Simple, straight consistent letters like your keybourd. With regard to handstyle you need to gradually let it flow from your own natural hand writing. My advice is to fill pages with alphabets. Also, tone down thos crazy outlines dude, right now it needs to be all about letter shape, the colours and fills will come later.

  4. Thanks for the crits guys, def feelin what ure sayin with the K, knew it was a little off. U go from spazzing them out all the time to typeface simple and u lose a little something lol.


    Got something in the works that should be pretty cool, maybe post up the pencil outline if y'all are interested to see that?

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