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Everything posted by guerilla925

  1. jewelry is fucking gay and diamonds are for females. i find it funny how a dude has 20k in jewelry on but dont even own his own car or condo. get your priorities straight you nigger rich idiots.
  2. fuck your stupid watch, that shit is just gonna loose value. buy shit that actually has a proper use like a ak47!
  3. thats pretty weak. go over dan plasma not good murals. funny how jmollie changed his email now pulled your card you wigger. im angry at your parents for breeding.
  4. i mean WTF. mob fam gang? did you get dropped on your heads as babies? YOU ARE NOT FROM THE HOOD!! theres already an MFG real grafiti crue. stop trying to be something you arent! and dont worry 12oz this toy doesnt even do graffiti so its not snitching, rappers put themselves in public and snitch on themselves so dont give me shit about this.
  5. wow please stop saying the n word and acting like your black when you are just a clown whiteboy from the suburbs of san jose. you guys are like the new icy hot stunnaz. you guys are the biggest dorks, and next time dont talk shit when you can easily find your email address "J" hahah. http://bayareacompass.blogspot.com/2011/01/exclusive-new-music-gun-play-by-mob-fam.html
  6. far from hipster or yuppie parts of the ccc are sketchier than you would think. shit parts of oakland and btown are nice compared to out here.
  7. they prolly thoght gats was dan plasma looks kinda similar at first.
  8. been searchin for apartments out in the town and shit aint as cheap as i was thinkin. not trying to live east of 30th whats the deal cant find a single 1-2 bdrm under 1000 bucks.
  9. only pics you can post here safely arte ones taken by other people during daylight and shit. all those pics are obvously fresh bombin flicks your graf police are right click saving and gonna trace the IP dont believe me? fine i dont care.
  10. yea until he gets wrapped again for posting fresh bombing flicks on 12oz, dont you kids learn from kuk the police are on this bitch!
  11. pear and horns are really going apeshit in the town, lovin it.
  12. hipster bitches wrestlin in pie filling. FML why cant i end up at parties like that.
  13. why be such an internet bitch? i admitted my story wasnt gold but damn you are just a fuckin lower.
  14. epic shit my friend banging abitch while she has a throbbin head wound haha. then stalking her for the ipod.
  15. holy fuck i just died. that and the 13 year olds on here talking about their first times priceless. hey laughing girl just whip that fools dick out. stop being scared, girls need to make more moves. sounds like hes a scared little bitch too, what kind of loser has a girl sleep at his crib and not try to fuck her or at least a little slap and tickle. GIRLS WAX YOUR ASSHOLE.
  16. dont girls smell their own pussy? like come on bitch really? i had a stank pussy experiance recently too, bitch was good looking she had nice eyes and tan skin, ghetto booty, C cups. but when i hit it that vag was stinkin! like raw crab or shrimp. plus when i hit it from the back i saw a few hairs comin out her asshole. that shit made me loose wood quick, ended up getting head which was subpar. im not calling her again , very dissapointed, i potentially screwed over a friend for this broad. my friend was in love with this bitch for the longest even asked her to marry him, good thing she said no. oh yeah there are some good stories in here, my story sucks. but seriously yall, thanks for sharing. some of these stories make me feel good about myself. how the hell do you piss in another girls bed let alone six girls beds. haha some of you guys are crazy as fuck.
  17. perfect example right here, most kids are too stupid to understand the knowledge being dropped here. sad shit because i bet igotsnitchfood might know a few section 8 families who got evicted, but he dont care because he all knows is doing drugs and doing crime, most of the "oppressed" are too stupid to wake up and get out of their situation. they sayd to educate but how can you teach when their ears are deaf from listening to all that thizz music garbage!! worrd!! i like what yall are saying here! shows most writers aint fuckin totaly braindead.
  18. im also amazed that you people in SF manage to live in one of the best cities in the world yet devote all your time to beef and fighting eachother instead of organizing on some shit. compared to other spots SF is real easy to fight the system and cause havok.
  19. yea plenty of pooor white people out here too, not just blacks and browns. shit most of you san francisco refugees are ending up out here in antioch and pittsburg, stockton, lotsa white folk out here who struggling too.
  20. the level of stupidity in the last few pages makes my brain hurt. anyone wanna bet money most of these idiots posting aint even old enough to drink.
  21. anyone else pissed off that the SF giants win the fucking world series, and yet the MLB decides to make the season opener in LA and SD with a 6 game road trip. that is some bullshit.
  22. just saw pemex in a guta mob video in SF.
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