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Everything posted by blacken

  1. ATTENTION MARKY MARK:::: I'm not going to c'mon and feel it.
  2. You tell me? I don't wear tight pants My hair is shaved Do you not get it I don't give two shits about you? and same for your fag posse who all hop a ride in the fag mobile to my threads.
  3. I said I knew him we were homies, I didn't google his name you fucking moron next time you should actually read the post you comment on. This goes for the rest of you total fucking retards who made similar comments.
  4. Well If you knew something at all I would not be teenage knowing TIE. Fuck off have some fucking respect
  5. Teenage suburban folk are angry on the webz
  6. I knew a cat named TIE murdered on a fire escape. What you getting at son?
  7. Peanut faggot, the lamest of lame rap talk you keep posting is for the birds. Get with the program bitch!
  8. Your lame dude, sucks you hit your head so hard you retarded and got a brain INJURY.
  9. Is that all you got is lame wrap letterz lyricks?
  10. Mr harvey said he would ban people for that kind of language.
  11. Since when has glenn been considered a nerd? He could kick all our asses at his age of 55 while singing mother on note.
  12. Sweet bro you just established yourself as an internet nerd, congratulations!
  13. I'm only saying it won't be nearly as useful as a phone web browser...
  14. Oh lawdy, I heard about this today, indepndence day killed the alien movie movement.... watch wyatt errp or tombstone. This movie is pure homosexuality.
  15. Ok, If you got a gay ass ifone or the better android like I use to oontz and have complete internet functions through your intrnet browser why the fuck would you want an app that will only minimize your oontz experience? Have you used photobucket, fb, or any other app offered? You would know this if you did. No bueno holmes!
  16. Hot water is fucking nasty while cleansing your teeth. Always cold....
  17. the 12 ain't grammar study bruh! Whatver. I .did........ to. you. you. come. off. Looking... worse. trying.......... to. diss. me. cause. I. didn't. use. a. fucking. period..... ........ ........ ..... .......... .................. .........................Thanks for the weak ass no piont giving posi!
  18. Ujustmad cause I got you bitch slapped by the ban hammer.
  19. I faintly remember this but I was not down with anything facebook at the time.
  20. Awww man this place really has gone to shit, I used to think it was the fault of a bunch of 15yr old nerdy suburban type ruining it but now I have been enlightened to the fact that I was wrong all along cause the only possible explanation for the extreme lameness on this board is that I was incorrect and who I thought were 15yr old timmy's are actually fat old bearded men pretending to be women...
  22. That sucks, you didn't kill it tho so nothing is on you.
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