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Everything posted by blacken

  1. I only read the first page so.... Do whatcha gotta do he family and by how it sounds he may not got much time left and you do, what's so bad about a couple years of your life helping someone out? At least its not one of your parents yet. It may suck pretty bad but you are getting paid pretty well for it and for his cheapness about electric and shit just change the subject and start talkin bout the homeless smokin weed in the attic he'll forget about your waste quick. He will probably really appreciate the time he shares with you, go for it man, look forward to it. Oh and you gotta make a thread about crazy gramps stories, jk good luck with it.
  2. I only read the first page so.... Do whatcha gotta do he family and by how it sounds he may not got much time left and you do, what's so bad about a couple years of your life helping someone out? At least its not one of your parents yet. It may suck pretty bad but you are getting paid pretty well for it and for his cheapness about electric and shit just change the subject and start talkin bout the homeless smokin weed in the attic he'll forget about your waste quick. He will probably really appreciate the time he shares with you, go for it man, look forward to it. Oh and you gotta make a thread about crazy gramps stories, jk good luck with it.
  3. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station So this so called "super top secret, dangerous, and overly moist place" really ain't so secret as PAC made it out to be? I would also like to mention how banksy said something along the lines of how it would be to dangerous to take part.
  4. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station What do you mean by old historical hands? Na, jk.... Word, gotcha. That makes perfect sense.
  5. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station Or by historical do you mean graffiti? I don't get it, what you tryin to say there?
  6. The internet didn't really exist (as we know it today) the last time I was in a classroom so I really know nothing about this. I do google whatever general life question I may have all the time so I may use it from time to time, although I'm gonna try not to cause I'm paying a lot of money to learn my degree so ima not waste my time amd money and actually study to learn that shit.
  7. Re: gay gallery shit in an abandoned subway station Freak, how can you call it destroying a historical place, Its not finished there aren't even stairs. I think the idea is awesome, it should of been leaked to 12oz instead of the NY Times.
  8. And it worked, hahahahah-cough-cough-choke-choke-choke-choke-cough-choke......... damn I need to quit smoking!
  9. I was simply stating my opinion on the subject I'm not some elitist anti-racist tryin to censor the interwebs. This is a multi national and cultural forum made up of people from all over the world and it is unnecessary and out of hand as of lately. There is a place, actually many places (ie.stormfront) for ignorance on the webz, go there and talk your shit. I'm definately not alone on this, what's so wrong with having a site everyone can enjoy?
  10. Ha! how quick they ban you? Good lookin out Harvey.
  11. *yawn* I just woke up, had me a good short night sleep. I see some panties been bunched up through out the night and absolutely no form of moderation has been taken. Yes, I have been here long enough to know the possible reactions from this thread, also I have been here long enough to know at one time the hate would not have been accecpted as freely as it is used now. I'm sure many other people at some time have wanted to say something as well but chose not to in fear of starting a flame war. I'm not crying over said subject nor am I umad from the comments in this thread, I was just hoping to make this board more enjoyable for myself and whoever else to visit who feel the same. I have been here for many years and would to continue comming for many more, if I wanted to be in an environment where black people are referred to as monkeys I would kick it with the klan or nazi skinheads.... which I would never do.
  12. Well the point of this thread was about my dislike for the hate this forum has been all to full of lately, nothing more nothing less. You can hate it, think I'm lame, and talk as much shit as you want about me or my thread cause in the end I have said what I wanted to say and that is all that really matters to me about said subject. Thanks for stopping by! -blacken
  13. What's so lame about me starting a thread about being sick of people being called monkeys and shit amongst many other things. Btw i m assuming you all are passing jugement on the color of my skin because of my screen name, ima break this down real quick.... I'm a white dude and I live in a mostly black and asian neighborhood. ** oh ya, I don't gangbang I don't roll with gangbangers I listen to mostly punkrock.
  14. The point is I'm getting flamed for not liking racism, is anybody else really not getting this?
  15. Keep bringing the negs, when I'm all tamponed out people will be like, oh that dude got all them red squares for hating racism.
  16. Its true, a lot of people in my "neighborhood" would be very unhappy if someone come through here throwing that word around...
  17. Come to my hood and start tossing that word around and see what happens.... its obvious by how umad you are that this thread is about you, or else you would of just breezed through it and said whatever
  18. its no spam I was just giving the upper middle class suburban white kids a place to talk hate.
  19. Actually I have a coule screen names before your rgistered date, and this comes from the guy who negged me with the word ni**er in the commnent
  20. No my name is just a coincidence.
  21. "We Must Secure The Existence Of Twelve Ounce For The Future Of All People" Seriously tho the 12 is so fucking full of racial comments its actually getting lame. The ideals behind this board are completely opposite of those. Why is this allowed to keep happening? Keep that shit outta the oontz, take your hate to http://www.stormfront.org if you're gonna be retarded.
  22. The natives, they used to carve them in wood also
  23. I don't remember this dude but I do remember you being a dick to a lot of oontzerz...
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