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Everything posted by DVLDOG85

  1. Dear____ Milky & 88, When's the next cool shindig around your way? Dear____ SSN, How about them Giants lately?
  2. Maybe you had one too many last night!?!
  3. Playing poker and drinking Pabst, while also searching nonsense on the web. Multitasking!
  4. Why doesn't everyone just cruise over to facebook for a month of chatting and let this rookie win the prize? The replies to this are not going to be pleasant, are they you seasoned vets?
  5. False, maybe like 6 or 7, and if I could actually type them I probably wouldn't be up at 1 in the morning playing poker and drinking beer on a Tuesday/or Wednesday now. The person below me has been Iced before, as explained to me earlier by one hilarious 12oz thread?
  6. Now I'm at a true loss-waste a dollar or so to see how Milky reacts next time I see and "Ice" her, or go with my first inclination and ignore this whole thing (after reading the entire thread of course). And this was some classic f@*#in' idiot talk, thanks for the laughs...no Bromo!
  7. A 'lil something for the *CHUBB LUBB!* members, real life Disney Princesses...
  8. She ain't the hottest girl ever, but I'll be damned if she don't know the way to a man's heart...
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