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Posts posted by where

  1. 7 minutes ago, Dark_Knight said:


    Youre like a toenail in the overall spectrum stop trying to bully the homie and acting like a human hangnail this is a life lesson


  2. On 8/25/2021 at 8:17 AM, Mercer said:

    The black flag indicates zero loyalty to a corrupt empire, or any nation, and isn't an endorsement of Socialism, or Communism. My unwillingness to acknowledge that a little bit of theft is OK is the same thing as a little bit of rape not being cool, or a little bit of assault, etc. It's not like I want people out on the street, I just know the alternative because of the unintentional consequences is worse.


    It's not just the morality of theft/breach of contract. I can understand on the surface, eviction seems like a cruel matter of greed and we want to prevent it right?. The reality is if you look more than a single layer deep, a healthy, affordable housing market (at least for people willing to pay rent) evictions are necessary. Stopping evictions may benefit a small minority of people very short term, but the harm this would cause everyone else in the housing market big picture ultimately makes it not only immoral, it causes more harm than the problem it intends to correct.


    Pretty sure I've gone over both the moral shortcomings, and how stopping the consequences for non-payment are harmful on a practical level. That said, I'm not trying to be a dick here, I'm just unable to concede designing society to benefit the few, at the expense of the majority is a smart move. Lving in West Germany during the 80's, and witnessing first hand the difference in standards of living between East & West, and my close ties to Argentina make me passionately anti "left" on the economic scale, and that's what makes me anti-government.





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