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Posts posted by where

  1. After taking a considerable L Reggie and his crew have re upped with rock cocaine, Pocket full of stones plays in the background, Reggie gives Sherrod a coordinated handshake "We 100 percent black, and 100 percent back!"

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  2. 11 minutes ago, DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER said:

    Bush knocked down the towers, trump is knocking down democracy, and somehow democrats get the blame for both. 

    Ok immortal technique, you the homie but your thought process is pedestrian, maybe that’s a good thing you do bring up some valid points here

  3. 10 hours ago, Mercer said:



    Anyone who reads history, or is old enough to see societal norms shift can tell you conformity to popular societal norms isn't a sign of intelligence. Neither is judging an entire group of people that are by nature, non-conformist, and inherently "vocal" people. The only thing lame, and stupid is coming on a graffiti forum expecting people here to give a shit about your conformist politics, and pat you on the back for being told what to think. We don't give a shit here if you're vaccinated or not, keep that shit on facebook, or discuss it without being insulting.


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