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Everything posted by ..romero..

  1. what? his bars are actually pretty well proportioned.. all about the same width. i think the Y and I are your strongest letters here. the K needs work though. i would drop the bar thats closing up that negative space at the top of the K. it looks weird, you can close up alot of that negative space with the drop shadow and the outline that comes after it, or even a little bit that pops up in between the two bars. kinda like what you got going on with the YO combo, but suspended in air as opposed to connecting the letters. also you probably should have went with a more rounded O. thats my opinion. all in all its pretty good, i think you should drop the part where the bars over lap eachother, you over used that. it would probably look better if you would have the line STOP once it hits the next letter, so the outline doesn't over lap the other letters. idk how to explain that any further though. hope that helps.
  2. well cuze woulda got my vote hahaha. i missed it. umire was a close second imo. it was kind of a draw between the two..
  3. yo pesk, where are you from? your handstyles are dope.
  4. word, the color selection is amazing too. rustoleum and krylon seem to only have 20 or so colors out at any one time (atleast in stores, idk about online) but with like molotow and MTN the color palette is 120+ its ridiculous. i think people nowadays take for granted all the caps and different inks and such we have out, but then again that shit is like 6 bucks a can and only really available online. thats cool though, that your old enough to see the scene evolve like it did, i assume in australia the scene probably didnt start popping up until about then, so thats got to be cool.
  5. you've been writing for 25 years?? :confused:
  6. all in all i think its pretty good, i think your handstyles need work though.
  7. everyone needs to shut the fuck up and sketch more. we're all mediocre thats why we're posting in here...
  8. its all personal taste, the dude who got me into painting was from SA so i've always been into the big time texas writers and abstract stuff. im also really inspired by caligraphy and gang graffiti so my stuff is kind of a mix of all those. some dudes are feelin it some aren't, some guys only like throws and simples, some only like abstract shit, me personally im into all of it. if its got letters i like it. and i appreciate the people who can take a letter and flip it and make it barely recognizable, but still stylish.. i think thats true talent right there.
  9. i don't think that a piece has to be necessarily readable to be hot, some of my favorite writers shit is unlegible if you don't know who it is before hand. examples of some hot shit with less defined letters. kaos spie code paser these are the cats i look up too, and imo these are some of the best piecers out there, along with totem,geser,kem5,lokus,supher etc.
  10. word, the "aks" part through me off and i wasn't sure if it got lost in translation haha.
  11. thanks, that means alot coming from you. im not really feelin my stuff lately, thats why i've been getting down on all these battles and exchanges, im trying to catch up so to speak, ive been writing for like 4 years or so and i don't feel like im where i should be, i feel like i should be doing better stuff you know? idk, i don't want to bitch or nothing, that shit gets old. ima go do perts sketch now and hopefully that will keep me busy for a while... thanks to fiveohno too.i didn't see your comment haha.
  12. spawn, thanks and it says "CANDY"
  13. eh. i don't even wanna post this shit here haha.
  14. not feelin it too much, the first sketch was alot better but too small to post, eh. i'll chalk it up to some practice.
  15. any and every writer who bases their art career off the small amount of time they spent being a "graff artist" in them streets y0 so i can pop them in their mouth.
  16. hey perts are you down for doing an exchange at some point down the line?
  17. whens this CANDY battle bout to go down? i might throw some shit in by today..
  18. still postin in the toy thread :( i need to step up my game haha. for eli, i switched it to alybi because it flows better for me, i hope thats cool with you. ima do a grits soon too when im not tired and shit haha.
  19. for alybi. its the first time i've done a full sketch in like forever, but im relatively happy with what came out.. any thoughts?
  20. chill fool, it was a joke. as in "hey lets start a club where we can discuss christian things, oh wait thats called church" kinda thing. i wasn't attacking you so don't jump to conclusions, thats a very unchristian thing to do. welcome to the internet.
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