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Everything posted by C"mon

  1. One thing for sure,you love Louise a lot:)
  2. love the idea..good job sneekatoke
  3. Ah mon dieu,je sais pas qui a commencer ce style la entre Nixon(mtl)ou horfe(paris) mais jsuis sous le choc...
  4. Thanx a lot garw..My part is the NMK at the right....I posted this here cause we havent paint more than maybe 8,10 times:s..thanx for the comments too sneekatoke..We paint saturday i will take a closer picture of that one...love the effect Daler keep going..Sorry everyone for my numerous errors,i speak french..
  5. Not one comments on my thing:s..maybe next time..
  6. Great like always..keep it up
  7. (Nearly finish on this pic)..A little thing that we have done saturday 1st..Caught 3 times by the rain..:S..
  8. i can"t..maybe its just me but a see a red X...
  9. uh what??you don"t remember the name of the thread??!!!
  10. nice,keep it up...really love the A
  11. i like it Vossy,very creative...
  12. Product malade....la boucane derriere:eek: !!!
  13. C"mon


    Pretty dope!!..I like it.!!
  14. not my favorite thing that you done but you paint and thats the key..
  15. Great so u can make a couple of throwies for helping me a bit and getting paid??:)
  16. its hard to figure which line are the good one but i like it..Maybe not the 2 littles octopuss;)
  17. j"aime bien le hoeK sur le fr8..
  18. Even if your a toys or not, try good paint kid it will help a lot..my 2 cents
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