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Everything posted by BORN+DEAD


    Who beleives 2012

    I am not trying to state that anyone is wrong or right for that matter. I am just supporting the idea that people should not be so quick to claim this false. As far as a pole flip not doing very little, I do think you are wrong. The fallowing is from Wikipedia: The cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis is the conjecture that there have been rapid shifts in the relative positions of the modern-day geographic locations of the poles and the axis of rotation of a planet. For the Earth, such a dynamic change could create calamities such as floods and tectonic events.[1] This type of event would occur if the physical poles had been or would be suddenly shifted with respect to the underlying surface over a geologically short time frame.

    Who beleives 2012

    do some research before you make up your mind.

    Who beleives 2012

    I find it a bit odd that almost every post on this topic is trying to say this is bull shit. Why do you think it is? Because you don't want to believe? Because of fear? Because you think its a money scheme? Because other claims of the end of the word proved not true? What ever you think, make sure you are thinking. To really look at this question would be to do some looking on your own. There are some facts that are being talked about in the science community. A pole shift has happen on this planet many times and based on the magnetic reading on the oceans mantel floors we are pass do for a pole flip. that is a fact! The question that you need to ask your self is what do you think makes the poles flip 180% ? this is up for debate by many of the worlds leading think tanks. One of the leading ideas is that are planet will be set in a way that our magnetic filed crosses with the suns and Jupiter's magnetic fields. It is a fact that we will be in a position for this to take place in 2012. We just don't know what going to happen. So before you say fuck that, its a scheme or its fake, ask your self how you know that it is? If you think that there is nothings bigger than us, or beyond our understanding. then you are just small minded and self centered.
  4. I'm dig'N that last one big time!
  5. he cant speak at all. he types and a computer speaks for him.
  6. LoL .hopeless. If you watched the recent show Hawkings on Time travel you would know that traveling back in time is not possibly based on a paradox. How ever time travel into the future is possible if you could fly by a black hole. Even Time (the 4th dimension) is effected by a black hole. Time slows down around a black hole. So in theory if you could orbit by a black hole not to close so you don't get sucked in. Time would be at more than half the speed. When you returned to earth (where time is moving at normal speed) you would have traveled in time. Say if the earth was going to be hit by a astroid that was so large it would kill most living life on the planet. Humans could in theory build a ship, shoot off to our closes black hole (8000 light years away) orbit the black hole for some time, then shoot back to earth. The people on the ship will have traveled into the future so the earth will of had time to heal its self from the astroid. Everyone on earth would of most likely of died off, but the planet would live on. so in theory we maybe able to use time travel to save the human race and any other animals we brought with us. It would be kinda like a Space Ark if you will. lol.
  7. We have found out the reason behind the mass beach suicides. Our government has been testing weapons for the Navys new sonar. The dolphins and wales are very acute to hearing. When ever they do these weapon test under water the dolphins nerve systems are under attack. So much so that they would rather beach them selfs then stay in their own environment. This is the equivalent of us hearing something so terrifying and painful that we would rather go under water and drown just to excape the noise. This helps make my point to a T. thanks.
  8. I think people or the human race needs to stop being so selfish. If we are so intelligent why do we continue on a way of life that effects the earths life forms negatively. When it is the very same life forms that support our life. Humans are so full of them self's that We think we are the only intelligent life on this planet. Who's to say a cat or a dolphin is not intelligent? Let's take a closer look at a dolphin. They have been on this planet way longer than us. For their environment they are perfectly adapted. They do communicate with one another and even us. That is the dolphin can understand our means to communicate but we can not understand them. Even sharks are afraid of dolphin as they work together to protect their kind. Not only does the dolphin strive in its natural environment but it is at peace with it. they are smart enough to understand there place on this planet. In fact people are so narcissistic that we claim we are the only intelligent life on this planet? thats like someone saying that they are the best graffiti writer on 12 oz. For if someone made that claim about them self's here on the forums we would probity ban the dick head or we would think he is over egotistical. right? Even if there's other life out there, will we be able to comprehend it? We cant even understand life on this planet or even our own brains? I think what Hawkings was getting at is, It is in our best interest to avoid other life forms. When you stack up the odds of all that could go wrong from such a contact. As Newton put it, what can go wrong will go wrong. If we do make contact with aliens what about diseases? Think about it for a minute. When the Europeans settled the Americas they brought disease with them that killed off more than half of the native Americans. We are talking about a species on a planet traveling from one land mass to another here. Thinks about 2 alien life forms making contact from alien worlds. We could be talking complete death of all life forms on Earth. We are always focused on what if the aliens try and control us or destroy us that we forget about one of the simplest life forms can be the most damaging. H.G Wells War of the Worlds ends in such a way.
  9. Lol me to lol. that light green mist / fog is killer!
  10. Re: Freight WholeCars & E2Es Did ICH use a stencil... lollololol um NO!
  11. dood such a good post man. so many gems.
  12. Here are some shots I took with a HP Photosmart E217. I have no schooling and no clue what I am doing lol. I just enjoy shooting. Any feedback would be awesome. good or bad. thanks. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4045/4546070501_95f7a338aa_b.jpg http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4056/4541509036_33fa343074_b.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2702/4532876682_79b4b0a8bc_b.jpg
  13. thats one hell of a storm.....oh ya nice Jurnes as well.
  14. on N on the flavor poors out of this guy...
  15. sorry if my stuff sucks. Didn't mean to kill the thread.
  16. Word! how much for the XSI? PM me. thanks.
  17. I have a canon rebel but the CF pins are bent. I need to get it fixed anything you could help me out with Lt? true that Lt, thats why I never went to school. you can learn a lot from books and other artist.
  18. Here's 2 more, mind you I have no schooling and just like to shoot on my missions, always see strange or interesting things. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2345/4506614611_6f56fee885_o.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2288/4507253638_ea00f4706b_o.jpg
  19. Awesome Lt! I do look forward to meeting you. hope some time soon.
  20. yeah, shot with Flip ultra HD mini cam lol.
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