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Everything posted by CeroUno

  1. CeroUno

    831 cali

    Fuck no, cowards if anything.
  2. CeroUno

    831 cali

    Lol at these so called lunatics.
  3. Dumb mother fucks like you are dumb mother fucks. Mother fucker.
  4. CeroUno

    831 cali

    Those chicks are sluuuuuuuuts, hit em up.
  5. CeroUno

    831 cali

    I bet you feel clever, golf clap. anyways,
  6. You'd smash on a relatively thin girl? I see a break through.
  7. Only in internet times, will someone form a strong opinion about someone, based on no knowledge whatsoever.
  8. CeroUno

    831 cali

    With the ormie hands?
  9. CeroUno

    831 cali

    Stolen from port of la thread
  10. CeroUno

    831 cali

    gevs lookin solid. that ormie is all out. bump
  11. Or experience itself helps. Why post this shit, you already put it in the fridge so why do you want an opinion now.
  12. CeroUno

    831 cali

    Nah it's inglewood style.
  13. CeroUno

    831 cali

    Grim come through with some more flickas.
  14. CeroUno

    831 cali

    pretty shitty flick.
  15. It doesn't seem like you thought this through to much. If people don't conform to something that they think is wrong how the fuck are they hippies ? I call that bein true to yourself.
  16. Unless Mr. Jefferson was some sort of dance nazi aswell, i'm sure he's turning over in his grave.
  17. CeroUno

    831 cali

    Dick ridin hard. Who gives a fuck bout your no-weight-holdin opinion. Jus keep the flicks goin.
  18. lol i never expected someone taking "yea you got all the fat bitches photos" as a compliment. keep doin you tho bro
  19. CeroUno

    831 cali

    Made more sense before the translation..
  20. Funny thing is, i came here just to say that. Why the fuck don't you do some exploring and find this shit out yourself maaaaaaaaaaaaaayne
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