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Everything posted by seoren

  1. seoren


    yeah. thats pretty nuts
  2. this thread makes me sad, we rarely ever get refeers in my yard.
  3. seoren

    Wash DC

    word to that. And i wouldnt call those street spots, id call that sewer surfin as aler once put it.
  4. seoren

    Wash DC

    That spots already sorta blown up. So i can let it go, but with other shit dnt post all those flicks.
  5. seoren

    Wash DC

    Do not flick every peice in a fucking spot and post it at once. jesus christ.
  6. seoren

    Wash DC

    Bang being a dick rider? hes been in this city longer then pear, and can burn harder. i aint trying to fight his battle or nuthin, but bang knows if anyone whos up in the city. And pear has taken the crown by far.
  7. seoren

    Wash DC

    bump that rezist boxcar and that pear/amen joint. Never seen that one before
  8. seoren

    Wash DC

    Is the aero in dc from the 90's the same aero in upstate ny? I caught aa flick of his shit walking the tracks up north.
  9. I have a full set of copics and touches that were jacked. Its just that i have to drive and 1 and a half to get somewhere to jackthem. The local craft stores(art stores my ass, they fucking suck) have prismas but there always out, so sharpies work great for outlining shit. Pigma microns too. And to answer your question, office depot and officemax do NOT carry pentel whites. If they were to, you can always check there full list of items at there website, but im 95% sure that they do not carry thm thre
  10. seoren

    Wash DC

    failpost. try taking the / out of the first [/img]
  11. seoren

    Wash DC

    Im not in the city anymore, or anywhere even close, But to be quite frank, half the flicks in this thread tht are good shit are either chill spots, re-posts/other people taking and posting flicks of spots that have already been posting, shit from bullshit suburban chillspots, or art gallerys. Now i will say that there are a good number of street spots posted in here, but no single writers is going for it. There are plenty of talented writers in dc, alot of them just dont paint in enough noticable places.and for the record, alot of these cats have talent, i didnt say that all the kids hitting the streets today have no talent, i said the only ones that are doing what they can to go all city have VERY LITTLE talent, not no talent. I wish pear would hit shit hard. All the n4n cats have been puttin in work, but its irregular, Coma and nore were killing shit every night of the week. Sure atb has some messed up attitudes and ways about doing shit, but atleast that got the motivation to go all city. And about the flicks comment, like i said earlier in this response, i no longer live in the district, and second off, there isnt a whole lot to take pictures of. All of its already been flicked. How bout this, instead of sitting searching for shit on the net, go walk the streets, i know alot of you cats do that, but not enough. This site enables alot of cats to be lazy.
  12. seoren

    Wash DC

    Dc is headed into a downward spiral(it has been for awhile)borf was the last cat to crush dc., the only kids hittin shit hard have extremely little talent, (discluding sime, and respect to all you freight, chillspot, and those older writers who are hittin murals and gallerys, thats whatsup)
  13. are you kidding me? Ever heard of a BlackBook? NegaProps for bein a ignorant, and an asshole. Maybe if you werent a dick you would pull of an outline or two. Alchohol based markers wear quick because the graphite in pencils ruin the tip. Therefor, if you sketch shit out with pencil, and go over it with a black sharpie or any other alchohol based marker, its going to ruin it. Having plentyof them is great if you work alot with black and white. And not only that, you are talkin about shit on the streets? And then you bring up deco? Shit comes off with windex. But they are awesome for blackbooks. So next time ask before you say some shit. cheers.
  14. seoren


    that swine is FIRE. Soviet lookin good up high. and bump them felon fills. Thats watsup
  15. whos that one the left in that last pic?
  16. Tons of black sharpies are whatsup. I need to restock
  17. ^its assholes like you that make america such a terrible and shameful place to live. Free euro paint?Thats the fucking problem, in america its all about making your own way and material shit, how bout helpin someone out for a change. That why i steal paint, because they charge 4 bucks a can for a product that cost 50cents(guessing, but proably less) to make, instead of charging a tiny markup and helping someone else out.( directed towards feed yer ego)
  18. ^true that. Id rather be warm then freezing todeath, plus i dont think ins is going to take your food, but i wouldnt know, since iv just gotten in to train hoppin and havent road long distances
  19. seoren

    Wash DC

    hot fire sime. Nice to see some chill pear joints. Snek killin them chillspots. Mer still sucks. Rams, rezizt, amen. All hot shit. Great flicks, nice to get away from 15 year old computer junkies on there rag.
  20. That ringe is fire. I like that skem too
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