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Everything posted by STEELHUNGRY

  1. mber sicks show2 looking forward to more
  2. yah, another great bench, so many good ones im ugly rumor chisme
  3. chisme lopro helm faves im ugly show2 sicks gsouth and so many more. dope bench.
  4. killin, still anticipating the mega road trip post!
  5. welcome back, can't wait to see the arsenal of photos your going to bring! Skupe3 rumor lopro ower
  6. nice stuff, can't wait to make it out there, got more to look forward to!
  7. not exactly death defying, def gottah be skinny to do it.
  8. i saw that shit on the news, crazy, close to home, i've been on those things, i would be pretty afraid of crashin on one of those.
  9. i don't know how this shit ain't solved yet. word gets around, if you can't find that bitch, then you aren't gettin around. around here, you fuckin doin anything that isn't correct, someone finds out, and it gets handled one way or another.
  10. i got a few, i was painting in the yard and walked out and there was a full on hobo fire in the jungle, dudes were havin a party. it was a funny site( more of a you gottah be there thing ) Same yard, nother day, day paintin i walked up on a bunch of kids in the yard and they were friends of a dude i paint with turns out, met them before and all, so i let them be and went on to grab a car and started painting, i was just about to finish and i see all four of them sprinting toward me, so i asked what was up then i heard a cop yell from the same direction they were running to so i grabbed my shit and ran the complete opposite way and got away, on the way out, there were two more writers walking in with their girlfriends, so i told them to get the fuck out. i went back that night and finished my piece and the cans i left were even still there. heres a bad luck story, painting a line, a new line pulled in with reefers, jumped over to paint that and got seperated from the writer that was my ride. they were seperating cars this whoel time so we were playing hide and seek, me and my other friend i was painting with ended up going back and finishing up our first train and then went to the car and it was gone. it was late by now. we ended up walking the fucking tracks to the commuter line and rode the train at 4 AM back into the city. That was a long fucking night. we got left.... bummed.
  11. buying shit... haha, should have ended there.
  12. Dope shit, keep it comin. Pagan Bonus Eye whistle blower
  13. dope thread, let's see more from the west coast. rumor gsouth harsh alfa
  14. mone takes it, lookin forward to more.
  15. dope bench, shit is off the rail
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