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Everything posted by tack1

  1. abys alts rose and freak are bad ass too
  2. crush yami and nuce looken good
  3. damn did not know you guys were going to be bitches about it just fucking delete it fuck
  4. and bars tume know gyser des more bad ass shit
  5. bump that pyle nakt jerx close shoyu kolun sour obsoe sicr badass shit
  6. This is for any sdk you want or like, post any sdk
  7. the lack proof tears syr move and koat looks good
  8. they are fucking good they do have people that are not good but keep six and big miles and lesen are good and how the fuck is it a business just because they promote ephin a few times damn im sure there way better than you
  9. there fucking good as shit what the hell
  10. there was not one of these threads could not believe it so i made one sdk is the shit
  11. there was not one of these thought i should make one
  12. i knew Arther did not know he did this shit dumbass
  13. like the close and the syke101
  14. like the ocean by shaken onik freak yami and the crus shit looks good
  15. you wanted some flicks here you go
  16. tack1


    wish i had these
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