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Everything posted by ButtMiester

  1. You fucking suck ass dude, my solution would be for you to kill yourself. You don't even know the writers real names. No one wants to fucking hear what that bitch made sellout Cope 2 has to say, or what you have to say. The fact that you only consider hitting "run down buildings" proves that you know nothing about graff.
  2. Fucks a historic building in Indy? We dont have any goddamn "Historic buildings" Bump Choke you faggot
  3. How many bands now are not straight edge? Like, 6?
  4. whats some Real hardcore/ not that faggot trendy kid arm flailing metalcore shit. i'm orre of a hip-hop head.
  5. All R.A. is old. And that nigga is the best rapper ever.
  6. Funny, cause I know all the kids are talking about that shai hulud dude on 120z. Fucking give dicksucking a rest. And also, LA graff is pretty much dead. Asides from gangs and legals.
  7. No, everyone who loves saber is guy. Like all you internet fags with like 6 trillion posts who just jump on the MSK bandwagon because every hipster and art school friend you have thinks hes sooooooo cool. Fuck saber. Fuck MSK. Fuck his river peice. And Especially fuck all you tough acting- internet hipsters who dont know shit about graff and friends consist of DAO, Glik and Caliwhatever the fuck that guys name is.
  8. You're not clever at all No, I'm hating on legal art fags. You dont know anyone from Indiana.
  9. Do i hear the sound of two guys nearly choking to death on another guys dick? I sure do!!!
  10. 1 of like 17 illegal things saber has ever done. big deal
  11. Yay more legal shit. Way to show what indys got. I guess I'll check this thread next year to see the 2010 subsurface flicks since that seems to be all any one notices in Indy. Jesus Fucking Christ.
  12. Fuck subsurface, post bombing.
  13. ButtMiester


    nigro pleez, 100% on that game is retarted, how yougonna be the listener for the dark brotherhood and save Cyrodil on some douchey hero shit, go one way or the other. Sithis and the Grey Fox ftw.
  14. A loaded Ak-47. Yall niggers are stupid.
  15. Bitches talk shit about a city get knocked out in that city. If the cat does write(Odds 500: 1) I d cap every one of his faggot tags tosses and pieces. Thats why it matters what he writes. But hes probably just some jealous toy looking for someone to hate on, well probably never know.
  16. Thats funny cause all I see in Minneapolis is freights. And as for Chicago, Its a large city. Indy isnt nearly as big ,so naturally its going to have more writers. What fucking city are reppin? Ill bet you're from some deadbeat town in Minnesota. Dont talk shit about a city you know nothing about. Indy has mad cats that will murk the freight writing-only fags that have never done a street in their life in Minneapolis. And I don't mean any disrespect to the few cats that do get the fuck up in Minnesota.
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