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Everything posted by `Melinoe

  1. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo I'd burn you one of my Incognito CD's. :lol:
  2. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo and iiiiiiiieeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeiiiiiiii wiiiiiiiiill aaaaaaaaaaalways looooove yo0o0oo000o0u
  3. It seemed okay but yeah I agree. In my opinion it kind of caters to the men who are like ugly nd 28 and obsessed with fapping, video games, staying home, and tits. Now everything is like "Hey that new sonic the hedgehog g-TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITS. TILAFUCKINGTEQUILACORNYSEXUALINNUENDOTITSAGAIN" .....wait
  4. g4tv is a disgrace to the gaming community. yeah i said it. "gaming community" terrible channel
  5. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo i'm itchin n scratchin to hug you
  6. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo you are the lordiest of all lords
  7. LOL@that cow video. Poor animals. Must be a bitch to have to drive over a laid out human or someone who's trying to commit suicide.
  8. http://freddiejoachim.bandcamp.com/track/clara-hill-endlessly-freddie-joachim-remix
  9. As if I really honestly care. That's great for you and everything but I'm not that kind of person. I don't see how me being on here makes me sheltered but whatever. Good job judging through a forum though.
  10. i just dont want an itchy mouth. some guys just reeeeeeeeeally get around and i'd never put my head anywhere near them.
  11. well kids, in my age group, rather. I've heard of hippies, yes haha
  12. that and my generation gives out blowjobs likee handshakes. It amazes me wh othey put their mouth on @ CALI
  13. late with stuff but i'll be even later. I'm choosing not to kiss/sex anyone until i know hes a good catch.
  14. 30...heuaheuaheuaheuaheuaheuaheuaheua.
  15. No PM'S. I came on here to look more into the metalheads section and some other places to learn some rules/tips to writing, and I do I just don't post in most of those threads.
  16. Some of you make me feel like a goody kid...I haven't even smoked or had sex yet. Geeze.
  17. No my birthday is March 16th but I'm almost there. No 16 doesn't EXACTLY mean adult hood...18 says the government but I think 16 is a time to realize how much I need to mature in order to become an adult.
  18. I'm just realizing I'm going to be an adult soon. >_> 16 is kind of a milestone, in my eyes.
  19. As corny as this is, I wanna know how other people felt about themselves when they were a younger kid, or what they were like. I've been looking back a lot lately for some reason (could be because my 16th birthday is coming up) and I noticed how weird of a kid I always was. From the age of 5-10 I was a kid who was obsessed with Egypt, Archaeology, Funk/Disco/Jazz music and liked dark/offbeat stuff. I sat around and watched stuff like Invader Zim and though Daft Punk was amazing. I was always quiet and hung around my mom a ton. Never really wanted to go anywhere without her. 10-11 I went through a phase where I wanted everything sonic the hedgehog and decided I wanted to compose music for Sonic Team when I grew up. 12-13 Anime phase. Always liked Anime but I went completely Weeaboo. Not gonna go into much detail. 13.5-15 Sprouted hips and such, became more opinionated. That's really it I guess. tl;dr. sorry
  20. i would sprout a frog tongue and g snatch this from you
  21. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo i could love you, like i love your eyes
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