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Everything posted by `Melinoe

  1. hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooome
  2. An 11 year old? What the fuck? Of course people would be popping a fucking vein if a male teacher was messing around with a 16 year old. /yesmad
  3. The new xbox is :lol: And if I'm not mistaken, I heard the Microsoft conf was a complete mess.
  4. I just watches Maestro. Low Budget but I think thats part of what i liked about it. A lot of the songs they were playing are some of my favorite hosue songs, as well. It would have been nice to go to one of those loft/garage parties. By the way, that mix is super nice. That Man Boobs skit was a perfect starter. I'm downloading a ton of these tracks already
  5. in terms of memphis http://www.flickr.com/photos/seanhawley/4609268614/ Go here if you haven't already been. It's nothing spectacular but I liked watching the cranes moving the containers.
  6. `Melinoe


    yeah what is that i dont even
  7. What's the melon stick thing? I've seen them before and they look amazing...
  8. This is def more house but I needed to post this gem somewhere. This is Moonshine by Masters At Work (Under the alter ego Kenlou)
  9. Whats the name of that Doc? I've been getting into house music more (I'm a huge 90s house fan masters at work!)
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_irOIdpV4o one of my favorite Donald Byrd tracks - Stepping into tomorrow amazing. seems to slow down time a little
  11. Also: http://modernshark.com/cool-calm-pete-ost-over-you-free-download Everyone should download this. Its super amazing. CCP knocked it out
  12. I WISH. From what I know its pretty modernized...they bring some good people on like feist and stuff but thats really it. When I was a kid I was just on the cuts of it becoming modern, I still got a lot of the classics and the pinball skit as well as the subway skit were my favorites. I have a lot of tapes and such that my mom bought me when I was a kid cuz she loves classic sesame street. IF ANYONE HAS THESE UPLOADED OR SOMETHING. Hook me up
  13. Anyone ever watch old sesame street? Am I the only one who thought they had some good breaks/music in general? I'd love to find some old Sesame records if they exist. Such good music.
  14. I learned how to swim last year. Its so peaceful...would do it more if it didn't ruin my hair. :l
  15. Can you ppost a reminder in this thread when you do? I missed the last time you played. D:
  16. Monday Michiru and others @ Tokyo Crossover Jazz Festival Koop Por do Sol by United Future Organization kyoto jazz massive - brightness of these days http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4CO_OAHogI&feature=related INCOGNITO - step into my life
  17. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo i'd love to enter your little world <3
  18. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo you meet some of the requirements of...herp derpery
  19. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo chubb lubbers deserve wub so i wub you!
  20. fuck that video i posted this is what i wanted: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OuaHh7M0Ss&feature=related
  21. I was gonna post that track cuz I fell head over heals for the massive attack version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMo2RbDQRGA
  22. i like bulletproof and the remixed version of "in for the kill" from that bayoneta commercial. ...
  23. If you're implying that all of what happened was what jack saw (in his imagination) before he actually died, its wrooong. (obviously) Wack? Yeah right. I think they were pretty clever to end it with some questions unaswered or unclear. Its like they shot this huge gun only for it to shoot out a flag that says "bang"
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