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Posts posted by Kalashnikov

  1. Is there anything poppin' in NYC next weekend? I'll be there from Friday night until Sunday. I was there about 8 months ago and didn't really have time to do much fun stuff except check out the Scrap Yard (which was kind of bogus...), catch handstyles, drink a few 40's and get food.


    This time I'll have the whole weekend to do whatever, is there any parades or festivals going on? Any shops to check out (I've been told to go to All The Right)... basically anything to keep my time entertained. Not too big on bars or clubs, and I'm more into checking out neighborhoods than hanging around lower Manhattan/doing touristy type shit.


    Let's hear what you got...

  2. I-80 is a pretty straight forward drive. Traffic gets lighter the farther you get away from Boston/New York, and when you're past Chicago you're good all the way out west.


    Whoever said don't drive more than 8 hours a day makes me wonder how the hell they get anywhere. I can do about 20-21ish hours in a single sitting, most at one time without stopping except for gas and food was 24 hours. I'm also not a fan of cruise control, because a) it's a pain when you're in traffic, b) it sucks way more gas than just driving it yourself, c) you have a better chance of falling asleep.


    If I was you, I'd take 95 to New York City -or- 95 to the Tappan Zee (287 I think), to 80 in Jersey. 80 all the way to western Nebraska, 76 to Denver where you catch 70. 70 to I-15 in Utah, I-15 to LA.


    Lots of states out west have 75mph speed limits. I-80 turns to 70mph in Iowa and 75mph in Nebraska, but don't go more than 80 because the Nebraska State Patrol got us on our way back to Chicago doing 83 in a 75, and they're dickheads.

  3. This shit is fuckin' classic. The shit about the DMX lookin' dude with the bodies & the Tiger Woods story had me rollin'. One suggestion, for lazy motherfuckers like me when you post links to Youtube videos and shit you should have them pop up in a new window, so I don't gotta keep clicking back and finding my place where I was reading. The HTML for it is "target="_blank" put after the a href="whatever.com" part of your link bracket if ya didn't know.

  4. When something becomes a huge block of text, it becomes null in an online forum. Even if you're writing some super eloquent, persuasive or thought provoking material, no one's going to notice or care.


    Word. If I see a big wall of text that's hard as fuck to read, with no punctuation or anything, I just skip over it.

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