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Posts posted by Kalashnikov

  1. Hondas are my shit. I've had multiple Accords, Civics, and Integras of each generation, usually a couple at a time too. They're slow, but still fun to drive, easy as shit to work on, reliable, parts are cheap when they do break, get great gas mileage and are good all around cars. I like that you can take the whole car apart with a 10, 12, 14, 17, and 19mm + a few other tools. Also nice that parts are for the most part interchangeable.

  2. I bet it belongs to all those crazy fundamentalist Mormons that live over there/Colorado City, AZ. That whole church is a front.


    Nah, but seriously...

    Smokin some tumbleweed right nao

  3. Agreed, I've never liked booze enough that I would be able to drink it more than every once and awhile. Opiates are another story. Weed I could smoke all day... but that's not really a problem. They had some dumb shit on the radio the other night where this guy was counseling people with drug problems, this bitch called in and said she found out her ex was addicted to marijuana. I almost drove off the road laughing.


    The guy who's addicted to marijuana sounds like he needs to hit up GNC and buy some of this shit.



    Cures any addiction! Just spray when you feel a craving!

  4. One more day down. Have been tapering off the Suboxone. Shit honestly is a miracle drug, I don't know how I'd be able to quit without it. I'm sure many junkies feel the same way.


    32mg is a ridiculous dose, but we've already been over this in the thread where Gucci was trying to get nurgas to pay for his script. Doctors overprescribe the hell out of it, because that's what they're told to do by the drug company. No shit Gucci is gonna feel like a million bucks if he's on 32mg of Sub, but using that much to me is just replacing the dope with another addiction. My habit when I'm fully using is a pretty decent one, not as bad as some people I know (one guy will bang 6 20s at once, twice a day. He gets sick after 6-9 hours), but still enough that I'd be sick for a week if I stopped cold turkey, then probably feel "under the weather" for another week. So I'll use the Suboxone for about a week, taper off, and then be done. I don't really see a point in long-term Sub maintenance, but that's the way they do it.


    To the dude at the top of the thread saying people who relapse are weak minded... you're an idiot. Like was said earlier in the thread: if you've never been strung out on opiates, don't try and act like you know.

  5. Bump this because the drug addicted thread got deleted.

    Today is day 4 since the last time I used dope. Before that I did it for almost a week straight, against my better judgment. Suboxone definitely helps. Hopefully I can stay clean for a while this time.

    • Like 1
  6. Yes, I have to agree that putting "jumping the shark" though makes no sense. I too think she should have at least caught a manslaughter charge, but meh. Just goes to show how the system in this country sucks.

  7. You're repeating what some dudes told you without looking into it at all.


    But for someone to disagree with you they need cold hard facts.


    But, one of the people worked at a hospital. He had a big key ring and a mop, but he worked at the hospital.

  8. Re: this fool..To Catch a Predator host who traps sex perverts in TV stings 'caught cheati


    ^fuckin hell people. funny shit



    anyway that shit is barely scandalous .

    i saw this the other day and wanted to barf





    Lost' actor marries 16-year-old girlfriend


    It was a twist that even "Lost" fans probably didn't see coming.


    Actor Doug Hutchison, 51, announced that he has married his 16-year-old girlfriend, Courtney Alexis Stodden.


    According to a notice on his website, Hutchison has been enjoying wedded bliss with the aspiring country singer for a few weeks.


    From Wikipedia:

    "In May 2011, Hutchison married 16-year-old[2] Courtney Alexis Stodden in Las Vegas, Nevada. According to the Clark County Nevada Marriage Bureau, both marriage license applicants must be at least 18 years of age.[3] However, the bride's mother signed a consent form permitting the early marriage."


    Haha, no shit her mom signed the consent form. Sure honey, you run off and marry this guy... be sure to take half his money on the way out. You'd think it would be awkward as hell for this Doug dude when he was dating this underage broad. Sitting in her parents' living room with her parents, waiting for her to get ready and shit. When he's the same age/generation as her damn parents... hahaha

  9. Also was waiting for this, and expected it to have a different sound than it did, but I still like it for the most part. I don't know how y'all are comparing Black and Guilty, they both have different styles both with lyrics and delivery. I think I still like Guilty a little better just because you can smoke a blunt and listen to him tell a story.

  10. Anybody with a couple years work experience in a relevant field or with a bachelor's degree makes over $17 an hour EASILY. L-oh-fucking-l. I started at $12 being a general tech with no automotive work experience aside from side jobs I did, and within 3 years I was a regular mechanic at $16, with a high school diploma. I can however see how you would not make it to $17/hr if you happen to argue with your co-workers about dogs being whales all day.

  11. Never visited anybody in a Wisconsin prison, but Wisconsin county jails are video chats. At least Waukesha County is. Really though your fiance only got 3 years, which still sucks, but isn't TOO bad (considering the court system's view on the case), also considering somebody died off some blows she sold. Although personally I think personal responsibility needs to be thrown in here, since court seems to stress it in every other case. Nobody put the blows in his arm... but oh well, all said and done now. The probation is a bitch but at least she'll be out in the free world after 3. Either way, good luck to both of you. Fuck the court system.

  12. I'm jealous that you are gonna have 50 grand to fuck off with. Not jealous that you got ran the fuck over. Heal soon. Don't get addicted to opiates, that's a long and sad road.

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