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Everything posted by TheoHuxtable..

  1. resurrection of thread just built this shelf
  2. Google image "drunken asshole oner" and look at the first pic that comes up: http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&biw=1920&bih=905&tbs=isch:1&sa=1&q=drunken+asshole+oner&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
  3. TheoHuxtable..


    Will XBOX Live ban you if you use a pirated game? I know they'll do that for modded systems... was just wondering about games.
  4. TheoHuxtable..


    I know people who will have an XBOX 360 and just buy Madden every year. And play that every day. Maybe they'll get NBA Live/2K & NCAA Football and that's about it. I will never understand it. Have also known people who buy a 360 and just get Halo 3 and play that online all the time and nothing else.
  5. TheoHuxtable..


    StarCraft II comes out tomorrow. I didn't even reserve it. Nor do I plan on getting it any time soon. Because I know it'll just eat up all my time. Got other "important" shit to take care of. Waste enough time on here as it is.
  6. TheoHuxtable..


    Don't sleep on this XBOX Live game... costs $15 though.
  7. United States Secretary of Defense 1949
  8. http://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF8&q=yoshinoya&fb=1&gl=us&ei=ZTssTOnOFcSblgev49nfCQ&ved=0CD4QtgMwAw&t=h&sll=32.764285,-117.22834&sspn=0.001712,0.003484&split=1&rq=1&ev=zi&radius=0.12&hq=yoshinoya&hnear=&ll=32.764603,-117.227871&spn=0,0.003484&z=19&layer=c&cbll=32.764438,-117.227985&panoid=CH5d9HXxC6Cd1fvRPhL1kg&cbp=12,324.65,,1,6.8
  9. TheoHuxtable..


    My Wii basically sits under the TV collecting dust. Overrated. But I knew that when I got it. I just got it for some exclusive games like Zelda. Doesn't come close to 360 or PS3 though.
  10. TheoHuxtable..


    Shenmue was dope... I still need to finish Shenmue II. Coincidentally I was living in Yokosuka when Shenmue dropped... lots of familiar looking shit in the game but it wasn't laid out like the town...
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo
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