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Everything posted by TheoHuxtable..

  1. TheoHuxtable..


    been anticipating this
  2. great film shots... the pool hall one is dope
  3. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?!
  4. Last time it happened to me was about a year ago. I didn't know there was a name for it, but stumbled upon it on the internetz around that time. Has happened off & on since I was a kid but hasn't happened in a while. Often times it feels like you're half asleep and unsure if you're dreaming or not, and you can't move at all. Sometimes it's accompanied by the feeling of a "presence" in the room, either audibly, visually, or sometimes you "feel" it through touch. Like someone or something is in your room or in your bed. You may feel it touch you and sometimes you won't. But to the people that are "frightened" by it - it's perfectly normal and harmless. Most people will experience it at some point. It has something to do with the brain still sending signals to the body that it's still "asleep" even if your eyes are open, and takes a moment for everything to normalize.
  5. TheoHuxtable..


    Anyone get BulletStorm yet? How is it?
  6. TheoHuxtable..


    Yeah that new slim Xbox supposedly got rid of the RROD problem. But if I'm not mistaken, the second generation of the old "white" Xbox got rid of that problem too. I have the second generation (has the HDMI port). My first generation gave me RROD.
  7. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?!
  8. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?!
  9. walking the alley taking shots... 3 cop cars rolled up in the alley and just sat there watching me. i just kept snapping but was a bit nervous wondering if they were going to ask me to get on the ground. turns out there was some "suspicious activity" they were monitoring. they were also escorting some garbage truck for some reason and looking through trash. i wanted to take pics of the cops but i didn't want to draw anymore attention and dipped. i remember seeing them around the corner earlier waiting in the cut.
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