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Everything posted by TheoHuxtable..

  1. http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?p=8222092#post8222092
  2. Wow great pics... Artifacts' race track, SM's baby, Mayor's sunset, Doodle, etc.
  3. Yeah... I was taking pic of some graff... I saw him riding on his bike and saw his Odd Future shirt and recognized him, and Jasper was also with him, then asked if I could just take a quick shot. He was like "real quick I gotta go".
  4. nurga noun A word that originated on the 12ozprophet.com "Channel Zero" forum; an alternate form of "nigga" - used to convey when one is down on hard times and feeling too lazy and unmanly to grind on your own, so you resort to begging. Using foods stamps, welfare, and any form of financial assistance constitutes as acting "nurgarish". No socio-economic class is immune to nurgaism - corporate Nurgas like General Motors and Citibank behaved nurgarish when they asked the US Government to bail them out during the recession of 2008-2009, because their hustle & grind game was off. Originally used by 12oz member, and big baller shot-caller GucciCondom, it rose to popularity on April 13, 2011 in the thread titled "Help A Nurga Out", when he arrived on the board to e-panhandle in the aims of funding his prescription drug habit. Although the word is now synonymous with being a beggar & panhandler, the usage of this term originally did not refer to being down on one's luck asking for financial aid, but was merely an attempt at a more "cooler" way of saying "nigga". This term inadvertently became immortalized in the 12oz slang hall-of-fame alongside "wonk saggin", "TPWF", "you probably deserved it", etc.
  5. 1/4 of wrestlers from Wrestlemania VII (1991) have died...
  6. TheoHuxtable..


    Bioshock 2 is good/decent, but doesn't have the "wow" factor & ingenuity of the first game. It feels more like Bioshock 1.5 - not a lot of new formulas except you play as a Big Daddy. Bioshock Infinite on the other hand looks amazing.
  7. TheoHuxtable..


    when is playstation store supposed to open back up. if you try to download the bonus content for l.a. noire, the shit freezes up.
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