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Everything posted by samesame05

  1. Right there it is fag, I'm glad Im not the only one who sees you bitting Revok. Say what you want, it doesn't take away from the facts... toy
  2. Is this REVOK and JRAFE???????lol Biters
  3. where are the Pictures? No one paints ne more I take it????I haven't saw anything that has impressed me for a long long time. It's all talk on here anymore, not just this thread but all threads. Let's get some pictures on here ppl........lol
  4. agreed Terribly bitten, even if he knows pose, it still isn't cool. That's a straight copy and paste from Pose's piece. Well, all you gotta do is take pose's "O" and someone else's "K" and do that from other peoples pieces to make your name, follow everybody's trends and you will be a hard Graff writer. You don't have to be original or gain skills anymore, just let everyone else do it and steal it from them..... yeah.
  5. Here are some train pictures that I took recently, I thought you Virginian's may enjoy.......lol
  6. not bad geres, that looks pretty good man. I like the color scheme.
  7. those enders are tight, I like the new stuff man...
  8. what happened to philly? Where are the burners? the Pieces?
  9. Gotta love the aest, sigh, lies, and the rest of DOS. Def gotta lot of respect for them. they really put Virginia on the map in the Graff world....Bump
  10. well we all gotta start somewhere I guess...
  11. this thread is going to shit, whatever happened to posting pictures? Everyone needs to stop with the bullshit. Its not worth it. There are always gonna be ppl who don't like your shit, especially on the internet, cuz ppl can talk shit behind a false name, so no one knows who they are. Thats just how it is. I don't want to be ASSOCIATED with any retarded Graffiti Beef. I've been painting quite a long time now and I know how retarded that shit is!
  12. just battle... skills speak over words....
  13. Bump those smaers. Where are the rest?lol And that Hert Piece is pretty tight also.
  14. yeah 4 sure, I just haven't saw ne thing from him in a while. if ne one got something newer from him, post em
  15. i cant find em.lol but as soon as I do ill post em. those are the only ones i had saved on my photo bucket. Any one else got the rest of em?
  16. Post pictures. Lets forget about that dumb shit. The only thing arguing over dumb internet shit accomplishes is embarrassment on both parts.
  17. where are all the burners and productions anymore?
  18. Man, Nothing much really impresses me ne more. Its been awhile since I have seen anything really good , or even halfway decent, that has inspired me.
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