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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. false tpbm knows how to bake and decorate a cake...well
  2. METROID--yes! i still have it..play it on the DS. it does the job. excitebike and castlevania
  3. ive never been one to follow fads...but i do remember seeing some of this back in the day...and its tryin to creep back
  4. false.watching superbad tpbm takes longer then 15 minutes to get ready for the day
  5. that moon was awesome... got that ISPY book as well. good posts as always
  6. false.. tpbm doesnt carry a wallet...just crams shit in their pockets.
  7. false..it sounds sports related..and i dont undersand that language. tpbm would rather skate on vinyl quads than blades
  8. he had some of these too....i actually was able to pick up some in good condition a while back at an antique type store..haha
  9. my brother had these joints.... .....
  10. damn right...just about an hour ago now that ya mention it tpbm needs to quit being a pussy around women,...and go for what he wants
  11. welcome fishy. i know that spot..haha boris posts always look chill.
  12. true...there is a good possibility tpbm uses a dictionary sometimes
  13. true..im a counter. and the checking the door/windows a bunch of times too make sure i locked it/check alarm a few timesto m ake sure it will wake me up in the morning im getting better though...trustin myself more. tpbm makes a bigger deal over superbowl than christmas
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Big D.. i can assure you ,nothing intersting is going to happen. i forgot to mention..im one of them crazy bitches that need to stay inside. enjoy your evening, though IrishCarBombs since you havent had one yet....allow me to share one of my favorite ghost attachments ive had so far. appropriate to say the least. have a good weekend, everyone. >SM<
  15. i once read in one of my books (will name title when i come across it again) that there are certain DNA traits in a serial killer......that match the same traits in certain physical features... -attached earlobes -webbed fingers/toes -bulbus fingers/toes i have never looked at people the same.
  16. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear full moon, your presence is known.... ...bitches are crazy out there. staying in..(trust me..its better that way) yup.
  17. those last three shots are incredible^^ Lvel 75..congrats on graduating(dont know what it was..but im sure congrats are in order)
  18. true. this charming young man they call CALIgula the person below me has a life outside of 12
  19. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dearest Cali.. haha.. use your imagination. es em
  20. false not everyday..but occasionally i find them entertaining. tpbm has been to a psychic/card reader before
  21. true...if she does it every night..it must be yummy..plus seems like good company as well tpbm holds the door open for strangers
  22. naW..FALSE. i own too many shoes to have a 'beat up' pair. tpbm had someone else cook them dinner tonight
  23. false..just the opposite. i have to be bleeding and losing organs to complain about health issues. tpbm has some broken ass furniture in their pad...but refuses to get rid of it, just yet
  24. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear ttt.. i was just comin on to tell you -package recieved...THANK YOU. i love your taste. chocolate tits...ftw good stuff..thanks again. good luk on your new digs. sm
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