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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. I’ve never even tried roses or even played with em but I figure I’d try a few things. These get direct sunlight until the sun is set. They require more water than anyone should use in this desert. applied a few pruning techniques and solid Correctly watering at the right time of day (early am), keeping base free of weeds. To ensure a bushy rose bush, when you notice it blooming and go to dead head it, trim it back to the leaflet with 5 or more leaves on it -it will produce a bushy flowering plant. There's no flowers yet but the pruning has allowed it to push its energy to the healthy parts instead of wasting energy tying to feed useless parts (people should actually do this too 😉)
  2. While I was at it, still... I decided to up out my Oxalis, also. It’s a cool and very pretty plant; delicate though. its roots are a bulb system and those lil section can just be snapped off and planted. this plant went so limp and looks weak after it’s transition. I hope it forgives me.
  3. While I was at it-I used the same soil to put the successful cuttings and propagated leaves into a new bed of soil. I just gently pushed the lil ones until the formed roots were in the soil without covering the new leaves and also leaving some parent leaf exposed succulents are the only plant (especially in this stage) I will not water in after planting. The souls should be moist enough to invite those roots in.
  4. Pot and Up-pot day. the plants up near the middle of the page are getting too leggy, Leaves turning(down) a direction that isn’t typical and Losing sporadic leaves. They are definitely root bound the cuttings I had rooting in water were also ready to into a pot Gotten into the habit of mixing my soil in a tub/separate container, rather than just dumping soil straight from the bag into the pot since I’m tightly budgeted I grabbed a regular Miracle gro potting would for indoor plants trying to make it stretch I added some coconut coir and a cool soil-less mix from Pittsburgh specifically called Pitt Moss (it’s a great mix including newspaper and smells horrible) all play a part for retaining moisture, creating different textures for drainage and anchoring the plant well wet your soil first before adding to pot. Mix it evenly. water rooted plants simply went into the mix. Up potting from smaller pot to larger. place a lil soil mix at the bottom of new pot. Place old pot into larger pot. Fill in the pot gap with soil when you remove old pot you have a welcoming sized hole for the existing plant. Sometimes I’ll wash roots and shake em out but I left most of it it’s current soil and places into the soil well i just created This baby was terribly root bound. Don’t be afraid to prune those roots! Definitely give them a rough up with your finger. I trimmed half of these roots Keeping plants from the cat and allowing them to grow up I wrapped some thread in such a fashion to hold up stems of plants. don’t forget to water your plants in as soon as it’s potted to your liking. Water it until water runs through the bottom. Let it leach out
  5. You def know what you’re doing @Ko SprueOne straw bale gardening is nothing I ever heard of until I went to school. it makes it possible for any area to garden- dry, too wet, cold, hot-and it’s at a great height that even allows wheelchair access. Imagine someone who has been wheelchair bound being able to garden with ease!!! . If the bake is conditioned correctly the possibilities are really endless!
  6. Dear Hua Guofang, still got it sm
  7. At first glance I thought it was a llama. ^ a pony AND a llama
  8. Rain-X big remover. I was hoping someone could clue me in, also
  9. coming back to this real quick. this is what our news looks like often now this is what you see around family oriented areas of the city as opposed to downtown. All it does it push homeless into family areas then they put up enough fight and they all go back to the areas where the resources are and camp. We go through this cycle Avery few years.
  10. Dear @Fist 666 Back pittsburgh is the destination and until the paycheck allow a deposit sm
  11. Dear fellow oontzmates as follow up to the above good news, I mAy NEED to find a temporary room to stay in besides reaching out to any peeps that I know-and bedsides using craigslist- are there any sites/apps you could recommend that you would use/have used yourself? I have never done this Any response is welcome even through PM, please and thank you
  12. Just sayin-(should have mentioned-besides the one up top) if you get a turkey in return, post it
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