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Everything posted by SeamerOne

  1. That's dope. I might steal the idea.
  2. It seems to me that the letters don't really fit each other. Might be because of the E's, fuck knows. Average, but at least it's something.
  3. You have a great eye. This flick is so simple yet so amazing at the same time. The colors on this one are amazing. I've always sucked with getting the colors I want out of the photo. Something from today. Pressure drop by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Don't by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Contact by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Engine by Ethiopiate, on Flickr
  4. I was thinking of buying exactly the same camera.
  5. Milking hemp, we had to extract the THC somehow. Going to test it tomorrow. Wasn't me by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Gramophone by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Milkin' by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Radio by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Nes by Ethiopiate, on Flickr
  6. Some places are better than others, though. Exactly. Digging the LA flicks.
  7. The place I'm living in isn't the best for taking awesome photos. The few last days have been especially shitty.
  8. Dope stuff, I love film photography. I was thinking of buying a film camera, but I don't have enough money yet. Not that they cost much, I just don't have a job or rich parents.
  9. False. tpbm is currently downloading something illegally.
  10. Haven't sketched for a while. Got no motivation (or time, or money) to get back into writing.
  11. English is not my first language so excuse me for not having perfect grammar. :rolleyes: Hollow earth is a lot more possible although that sounds kind of dumb too. You never know though. What's the deepest hole in the earth we have dug so far? It's not all that deep comparing to earth's size. I don't believe it anyways.
  12. i just remembered about this recently. Saw the site a few years ago, I still can't believe that they're serious about this. It's like medieval Europe somehow got a internet connection.
  13. Is it possible to get their album/songs somewhere?
  14. I'm quite interested in light painting, but I'm way too lazy to think up a plan and follow it to get great results, whenever I start something I just go with the flow. Lightline by Ethiopiate, on Flickr MONSTAAA by Ethiopiate, on Flickr
  15. Yeah, thanks. I don't have those symbols on my keyboard and was too lazy to google. Cool page so far.
  16. From a recent trip to Estonia. Rouge by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Old School by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Stairway by Ethiopiate, on Flickr It's raining by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Stop by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Directions by Ethiopiate, on Flickr
  17. Wiseness by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Nom Nom by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Autumn fog by Ethiopiate, on Flickr A drink? by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Zoop by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Passed out by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Rock on by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Bench by Ethiopiate, on Flickr Aluksne lake by Ethiopiate, on Flickr CRW_1533-35 by Ethiopiate, on Flickr CRW_1440-19 by Ethiopiate, on Flickr All mine.
  18. Earo, it's fucking sick what you can do with only 2 colors.
  19. False. TPBM is currently listening to radio.
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