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Everything posted by EarToTheGround

  1. It should. Run Avast as recommended and do what it sez "move to chest" or whatever. Make sure your speakers aren't turned up too loud though, it makes all kinds of mad noise when it finds something.
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Boat. http://bit.ly/d9ZusR kthx, Ettg
  3. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo I am going to get a tattoo of you on my face.
  4. False, I regard a female as if it were an effort to quickly empty my bank account tpbm just saved a bunch of money by switching to Geico
  5. Europe is the shit. Went on a 2 month tour back in '99. Time of my life.
  6. In the meantime i'm gonna find more stuff for yalls boxes.
  7. Word. I wasn't able to get anyone's out today,tomorrow's looking betterer though.
  8. Proper! Can't wait to try it out!
  9. Haven't been watching TUF, found a gif tho
  10. Chael Sonnen doing what he does best.
  11. Gonna finish packing all boxes today send tomorrow.
  12. That makes things easier,way easier.
  13. Make sure you have people there. You can stay on their couch while you look for a place. Looking for a place without actually being there doesn't work out. Save enough money to be expecting to be out of work for a month on top of how much you'd expect a new apartment or whatever to cost. Look at Craigslist a lot to get a feel for the job market and "housing" market. UPS your shit. Store some for later too,do it as light as possible until you have somewhere to put it all. I've moved across country twice like this.
  14. false,woke up fine tbpm loses their keys a lot.
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