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Everything posted by DaOnlyQue

  1. not my school... and it was an all boys...glad i got kicked out We couldn't have long hair, no earring, every boy had to have short cuts or clean afros no braids, no tattoos, no sneakers, had to pay for EVERYTHING (food[they had a subway restaurant], lost books, planners, school pants, shirts, blazers, vests, shirts, polos for the summer) And this school was in the BX...bullshit...5,000 a year and to quote the website: "We expect all of our students to be here every day. We do expect them to stay home when they are sick. Staying home to wait for a repairman, to go to the dentist or to the doctor, to baby-sit, to deal with a headache are not acceptable reasons for absence" "We want them to look GOOD in a fashion that is in compliance with the new school uniform.* By "GOOD" we mean a jacket, dress shirt, tie, slacks, shoes and a belt. Sneakers are never allowed into the building - only for Physical Education Classes and after school sports. The student must be fully dressed and ready for school upon arrival. A student never dresses in front of or near the school. Ripped, frayed, extra baggy pants are not allowed" "We expect the students to LOOK LIKE THEY ARE HERE by arriving daily cleanly shaven. No sideburns are to go anywhere below the ear lobe. Beards and chin hairs are not allowed and should be shaved daily if need be. If they need to shave daily in order to be in compliance with the rules - then they are to shave daily. We expect their hair to be neatly groomed daily. If they have a small "afro" style cut - it is to be neat and even and picked out daily. If a student arrives for school on any given day and is not in compliance with any of the above rules regarding dress and grooming, he will be sent home to take care of the matter and then is expected to return. If he does not return, that lost day will be made up on a Saturday"
  2. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo And knowing you those cookies will have statements of pure peace nice-ness and everlasting harmony.. which reminds me.. eboony and iiivory live together in perfect haaaarrrmony
  3. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D
  4. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo if u were a waiter, id ask to see your manager just to recommend you for a raise
  5. girls around where i live do that cuz they think there "man" wont like em unless they show naked pics... and me personally i wouldnt care as much cuz im not forcing her to do it.
  6. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo good to know that you aint a cannibal
  7. So wtf shouldnt u have said something about a marker..? Faggot
  8. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo id smoke a blunt with you
  9. Ill give some bullshitty type fights from my skool PART ONE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_68NyMfto8 PART TWO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxyZxjFrhEM some ova shit
  10. i think this whole flu thing is stupid.
  11. i picked up some naptha today my local "mom & pop" hardware store was closing down and had a 1/2 off sale... so it was only 6 $ and i got some bucket paint as well..
  12. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo chubb lub for life!
  13. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo All those damn tic tacs You must have great respect... And great breath
  14. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo Your living better then King Tut. (No pun intended)
  15. The life of a coke user i suppose?^
  16. i live next to a ex kkk man everytime he sees me he says sorry... lol. i guess cuz imma big ass black nigga
  17. it should. its sound thin enough is the bottle squeezable?
  18. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo if that was your boss at your job you'd have a raise 2times what you get
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