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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. http://soma.sbcc.edu/Users/DaVega/MAT_201/MAT_201_PRODUCTIONDESIGN_NOVELS/Graphic_Novels/TheDarkKnight_Miller/DC%20The%20Dark%20Knight%20Returns.pdf
  2. ^batman (i think superman was in it too. idk) had that graphic novel when i was younger..
  3. true. at my friends house, there was a pumpkin pie left sitting on the table for a long time. decided to bite into it before checking the smell for funk & realized i just basically bit/chewed once a huge mouthful of compost. had to cough/gargle it all out. there was no sweet pie - it was saddening tpbm could eat pizza or a bacon cheeseburger everyday. srsly tho
  4. starving.. wake & baked. eating a bowl of melon cuts now while watching the new bobs burgers. unshowered creature habits
  5. sry about your spot man, but i did a "piece" - sthe rules of graff, naw mean? naw homie, i couldnt have used any of the other place on this longass wall, i did a piece yo, so chill man, whats the problem? owattt, slike that, huh?
  6. false. used to take resveratrol, just gotta get more tpbm is always late
  7. feels good man listening to guns n roses while rolling a late lunch cone
  8. opened the curtains & nearly went blind from all the snow
  9. false tpbm thinks starting to jog at a noob level will be good for the body & mind, but is a lazy fuck & have never gotten around to it
  10. true, anyone who says otherwise would probably make a good bottled up serial killer. anxiety can cause boners - fuck im slow - false, not watching porn right now tpbm would push a button to save the life of an enemy, knowing that no one would even hear of their noble deed
  11. props to fist.. someone get him for me & ill give you nothing in return its a good deal
  12. probably the worst of the worst, considering the gear/suits & shit lol at that lady acting, though - shes putting in some work
  13. theyre conducting drills (+ whoring themselves out at these kewl photo ops).. found it on some rail fan site
  14. ^tranny agent smith on the right & look at the dude on the left with the hat. his flared nostrils are so big the camera picked it up from across the platform inappropriate mall responder /
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