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Bad Medicine

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Everything posted by Bad Medicine

  1. it'll come back..... stop for a year or so.....
  2. mines.. poverty.. impeach.. urine.. hoser... each2!
  3. he never liked a crib....wouldnt goto sleep in 1....he dosent stay with me enough to get a another...i pretty much only get him for months' at a time...we dont sleep so high as apposed to that night anymore though....comfortable bed though :O
  4. ^ yah dowmagik i jus posted that ........thiis sticks in your head better than drunken assholes *bad medicine* hahaha
  5. ^ cool song (09' ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjnI54xlNp0
  6. well im native american i am kiowa tribe and there is an old drum group named (bad medicine) that i got it from nothing to do with your rock band my friend ;]
  7. :D ya welcome to giving you flashba_xxx_ you can call it whatver you wanna
  8. *cant turn a hoe into a housewife?
  9. BUT what if a gurl has a slutty backround? whatta we do then brothazz...
  10. golden grahms always gave me a stomach ache...... dunno why
  11. come on asshole......join in the fun.... golden grahmz...
  12. my fav fucking letter is the *u*
  13. sense of humor at the top of subjects///.....and loving,.,,,,,and openminded....-WIFEY
  14. Eon tru.. but its a good attribute. but having female willing to fufill all your dirty request's thats a wife..not willing to share with the world..... only for YOU....
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