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Bad Medicine

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Everything posted by Bad Medicine

  1. http://www.buzzfeed.com/peggy/true-life-i-have-a-balloon-popping-fetish/
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZXP03W8-AM
  3. not the best music but the guy has a dope style nh
  4. fuck i was too late on that 1... mine was replying to the psychic
  5. true i did a summer side job for one tpbm wants to go on a road trip
  6. true tpbm has had an STD got got rid of it
  7. true had 1 for a while now works in the cities i travel to the most tpbm hasn't had a job in over a year.
  8. warming my hands up still....this state is colder than usual.....for the time of season.....esp when u paint at night...
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