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Posts posted by sneekatoke

  1. pie - none of those are simple... is it really hard to understand? SIMPLE <-- like that...


    vedo - work on proportions


    dahr - top d needs to connect at the topwithout the extra bar if youre usin that one... reality proportions off..


    dope umire lookin good..


    some, like the right u bar, are ok, but some... like the n's bottom-of-the-left bar, seem unnecessary, while in some areas, like the j, it just seems like too many arrows... try working with other types of extensions too, arrows can get really boring and repetitive...


    wheres the r? those can be really fun to get funky with...

  3. the people who pointed out that it was a repost actually complimented it... their "hate" was directed at the creator of the piece, not the piece itself... and it does get lame seeing reposts all the time...

  4. dahr you dont have to have the same type of extensions on every letter, i know its a strong urge haha, to try and make them match, but i guess sometimes it causes some letters (in the last sketch the A, maybe R) to look ok with it, and some (D,H) to look worse than if you just had the basic letter..like its forced... i dunno just thoughts.

    and thanks for any crits everyone/anyone..

  5. fatol - though you think doing simples may inhibit your creativity, it gives you a better understanding of structure, practice making clean lines, practice on consistant letters, patience, and so much more... you also have to wander from simples from time to time and experiment on whatever level you may be at in the moment, but you always have to practice with simple forms to graduate to aesthetically-pleasing developed forms... basically, practice simples.. ha.


    dahr - lookin good... some of the angles dont quite match up (ex: the bottom curve of thed), but im sure you know that...

  6. aw, eli...you can send me a pic of your tits too if you're feelin left out...



    dahr - the second sketch is pretty cool, but the outside lines are not exactly consistent with the inner swirl deal... and the d swirl is way fatter than the r... besides that lookin good...

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