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Posts posted by sneekatoke

  1. dahr you dont have to have the same type of extensions on every letter, i know its a strong urge haha, to try and make them match, but i guess sometimes it causes some letters (in the last sketch the A, maybe R) to look ok with it, and some (D,H) to look worse than if you just had the basic letter..like its forced... i dunno just thoughts.

    and thanks for any crits everyone/anyone..

  2. fatol - though you think doing simples may inhibit your creativity, it gives you a better understanding of structure, practice making clean lines, practice on consistant letters, patience, and so much more... you also have to wander from simples from time to time and experiment on whatever level you may be at in the moment, but you always have to practice with simple forms to graduate to aesthetically-pleasing developed forms... basically, practice simples.. ha.


    dahr - lookin good... some of the angles dont quite match up (ex: the bottom curve of thed), but im sure you know that...

  3. aw, eli...you can send me a pic of your tits too if you're feelin left out...



    dahr - the second sketch is pretty cool, but the outside lines are not exactly consistent with the inner swirl deal... and the d swirl is way fatter than the r... besides that lookin good...

  4. SLOPI - you are not doing simples like everyone said. If you are, flick those, not the lumps of pieces that you will (if you excel) regret floating around on the internet. And dont get so defensive, it's a bad look, and you definantely aren't a genius if you can't figure out 3d or basic letter structure...


    mass - better, dont like those cut in things, but i think thats more my opinion...


    drew - do simples, to put it bluntly those sketches look like shit, and getting wilder isnt going to help... and if you are doing simples and just messing around with pieces... dont post one for about 6 months at least (a piece), give yourself time to evolve naturally...



  5. drew - just draw simple generic letters at first, like the 2nd DAHR in the picture above... do this over and over and over til you hate it... then do it some more. it builds understanding of structure, patience, line smoothness, pretty much everything... once youve gotten simples down, start adding small things and seeing how it works, etc....

  6. yokai - gettin way better than when you first popped on here, keep it up, and props on keeping cosistent letter widths, its kinda hard to do and a mistake that leaves many potentially dope pieces/ideas lookin like shit...


    sheen - youre trying too hard on your sig, and it shows... just let the funk flow... and i dont know what the sticker is of...


    klime - chill with colorin for a while and get into more basic lettering. the featured sketch is misguided but potentially cool... also lose the arrows man...


    sirisfour - you're an idiot. but post a sketch.

  7. warep/twich - its not horrible but you need to go simpler for a while, the consistency of the letters, flow, and extension place


    SAON - you also need more practice with simples for the same reason... also, work on your N it is the worst letter and i thought it was a funky h for days...


    CRUISE - work on stayin in the center of the board in your slides, and do more lips haha...


    bitefight - you have been reported, the cyber police are on their way..


    xoma - whoever said that looked clean lied, go simpler, everything is all over the place on that one...

  8. jeg you took it kinda like a man at first, but you're way too arrogant for real. do you not see the bullshit that is your structure? the random juts and go-nowhere extensions? you are crazy trash, and no k00l f1ll br0 will make up for that... and no full white "OG GRAFF N DANCE WHITE PAD BLACKBOOK" is going to make your sketches nice. grab a notebook and DO SIMPLES!


    (btw i do and am not dope or claiming by any means)

  9. hate - the h looks like a k kinda cause of the little thing stickin out the right side, the t gets kinda thin before the horizontal bar, and the e is kinda squished, but its not horrible...


    wyre - none of those are straightforward simples. the curvy y's arent doin it imo, and most of the r's except the bottom one...


    and 'hungryest hippo' for one of the lamest steezes on the site you sure got a lot of negative shit to say...

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