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Posts posted by sneekatoke

  1. this thread just made me want scotch....





































































































































    ..in canada.

  2. ^ you should def do shit like that... take letters, write well-known names and shit just to test the letters, take color schemes... learn and have fun with it or its not worth doing... but posting it on the internet is whats lame... you have to give yourself time in between posts to develop...

  3. ^ you've been told to go simpler and you see results so i will just tell you that the pieces look like assbutt with no structure/lacking 3d/etc... and the characters are just basically-drawn, recycled images from shows, etc....


    so, practice it like this first VAER<----

    or its all just gonna be doo-doo....


    ..ps, quit reposting this shit...

    • Like 1
  4. ^comin along good man, the o has shadow on the front side though... and id probably work on making the o around the same size as the other letters... though i know o's suck haha.. but it is the only smaller one..

  5. eons - looks rushed (i know im not one to talk, pretty much all mine are..) but mostly good letter concepts... on the 1st the force type stuff on the bottom is weird and the end of the extensions on the 2nd one are kinda out of proportion... but dope...


    sil - i forget whos s that is again? even if its just a commonly used one id say try new stuff and do your own thing....


    sorry random drunk freestyle pen sketches from the other night...

    knucks, tryin stuff..


    telamo, blurry..


    weird g s...blurry..



    ...had more but they all blurry now that i look at them...

  6. ^^dont ask questions like that here, figure it out yourself if you want to write on glass that bad... and if im not mistaken everyone on this thread is just a fan of graffiti and noone has knowledge of such criminal acts..

  7. eido - the c looks like an e, the f and e are the same really, j looks like t cause of the direction it faces, and the l and z are essentially the same, maybe add a vertical bar on the right of the l? and wheres w and x...

    ...dope though..

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