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Posts posted by sneekatoke

  1. if you are really trying to improve hikari let me offer advice:

    1.your stuff sucks and will for a while. realize this and use it as motivation..

    2. DO SIMPLES. no rock effects or vines etc. til you have. basic structure down.. which will take a while.

    3. don't post every sketch ...just practice and have fun...

  2. honestly, eli, (imo) you've always had too many cut-ins/continuing internal lines in 1 piece... and sometimes the letter structure (like on the 's' in abys) is just awkward... bars are good to a point, but you also have to throw in more curvy, abstract lines sooner or later... if that makes sense?

    i dont know..

  3. spawn of sham had this one, Zones had the best letters but it was a quick sketch no color or any of the cool shit you can do like S of S did. Whatever good battle i suppose, although i dont think umire should of won


    ...i think most people hold structure over coloring/cool fx? not hating just saying...

  4. none - throwies are alright although clearly generic/bit styles....do your own thing ..


    upon - letters way too crowded... sometimes people can pull off the letters-squished-onto-a-single-board look but that one is not good. go simpler.

  5. freak that looks dope man! i wish you would take the 2 more minutes or whatever it would take to thicken/thin outlines and make precise strokes cause your stuff would look infinitely ill if it was a tiny bit cleaner...

  6. keep it chuggin..

    (sorry for the shitty pic..)


    ..thanks cneek.. you went a little overboard with the extensions but its good to experiment, and even the shittiest extension can lead to a dope idea later... appreciate it...


    ..anyone else wanna exchange?

  7. thats dope junior but id mess with it a little... the J is easily the best letter imo, the others arent as big ...or quite as defined/detailed... but dope..


    heres a cnek and a sheister ha...



  8. sik - thanks, yeah n's are shitty, ha... id work esp. on your proportions as far as corners and stuff.. on the d, for ex., the inside has sharp corners, where the outside has rounded corners... that really throws it off...


    private from earlier, i just realized how shitty the outline is ha...


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