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Posts posted by abcs

  1. not sure what the fucks going on with TC. I was logged in on 1 window and

    didnt realize it. When i went to log in again it asked me to log in with twitter.


    the first window i was mod. I logged out thinking when i logged back in i would

    still be mod and able to turn off the Facebook/Twitter requirement but i wasn't

    mod anymore.


    No idea why it decided to become a facebook/twitter room. I never set anything up

    in the first place. I wasn't mod.... stepped away.... came back..... was mod


    I dunno. TC broken

  2. welcome to failed logic 101

    your license gets suspended they probably going to put drivers resp fees on you

    in order to pay them you need a job

    to hold a job you need to actually show up and work

    to do that you need to be able to get there

    Occasionally they call me talking about you got

    that 5K you owe us.

  3. ahaha per interest in self preservation not gonna dime myself out on the internet. Although i guess that a couple heads could probably figure out who this is pretty easy. Especially those who have been around for a while.

    as far as wanting to cross peoples shit there is not a single name in the last 20 pages whose style i dont respect or want shit with. Theres a couple people that pop into town from time to time that i do but they shit so busted that they basically cap themselves so its pointless

    All that said from 02-06 i got shit in and then left town. That PM. yes private message gives a pretty limited account. All about getting blacked out on pills, the ups and the spots instead of the aesthetics. Which brings me to you I see the bitch shit you get on around here. When someone tries to score points on me i do get somewhat curious. You aren't so bright are you?

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