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Posts posted by abcs

  1. Fall registrating starts today. I already explained my situation in here. To recap

    im trying to stack a computer network type associates on top of my unrelated BA.

    I have been spending an hour or 2 per day most days with Mac 10.5 OSX and office 2003. Ive got the machines, the books, and the time right now

    There are quite a few different programs. Tonite i intend to register. The one

    I was looking at takes more of a network specialist angle. There is a class on

    UNIX and Linux, Novell cert test prep, Network + test prep amd A+ test prep. This

    is a certificate program in and of itself. In addition there are a few other classes. Internet security, Windows server admin, network concepts, ect


    Basically what i was wondering... in the professional opinions around here. With

    the skills being taught would i be considered employable?

    I dont have money to waste and i rather not waste my time either.

  2. shits getting real played out. Its like every fucking night. Realistic bad dreams

    And its not even obscure its full detail technicolor. I mean lastnight I definitly had a kid

    which i certainly dont. It looked like a combination of me and a girl i recently kikt it with. There was full length dialoge. I was definitly carrying a baby around changing diapers.

    It knew my name. I woke up right after shorty calls sunday to get the baby back..

    Friday night I failed out of all my classes. Bad fucking vibe. I had neglected to show up

    to any class for a month so the whole dream i was pleading with profs and talking to class

    mates who were confiding in me that it was too late to catch up.

    This is some wake up shake up question reality type shit.. Not cool

  3. maybe i need to join. i was having the worst of dreams last night.


    I woke up at 4 am totally convinced that i had taken 4 classes and not

    showed up for any of them once. I found myself sitting in bed thinking.

    drop course drop course drop course GPA GPA GPA. Only to realize it was

    all in my head

  4. huh? I can say with 100 % certainty you dont kno who or what ya talking about. And anyways i wouldnt consider gettting pieced up something to boast about. forget about maybe. That Okto sketch is pretty serious tho. I would like to see some more walls he did

    why? im not in Detroit, no wheres near it. I haven't been in years. flying distance

  5. hes a ninja allright. Last person i would want to scrap with and it happened a couple times.

    all i got was lumped up both occasions. Shit... 1 time he was comin after me. i was like. Fuck all this. I broke a beer bottle hoping to deter an almost certain ass stomping and the mfucker pulled out what might as well have been afucking samurai sword. I consider myself fortunate to have not seen him in a few years

  6. that big watertower at Davison & 75. Not the one in the distance with a burner on it

    but the close one. Going south it would be on the left. Someone told me that way

    back Giant threw down on it. I mean... if he did it would have be like a decade ago

    and it probably never happened but if it did..... anybody got a flik?

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