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Posts posted by abcs

  1. i just re-upped my gym membership. This is round 2.

    Last time i got my fitness on I had a big gut and no upper

    body or arm muscle. I was a wreck. So i it the cardio pretty

    hard and did some weight training and flattened my stomach

    and put a little tone up top and in my arms and back.


    Now im getting a bit pudgy in the middle again. Been slacking

    I plan to the the cardio thing again. Burn calories but focusing

    more energy on the weights. Way i see it i have some muscle

    up top. On the weights im not starting at 0. I have body mass

    that needs to be repositioned

  2. yo i figured it out mostly.

    1 thing that im a bit confused about tho


    I have a supertype with 2 subtypes.

    I have it all mapped out in my ER diagram

    I have also chosen a subtype discriminator.

    If you need a quick refresh... Supertype contains

    pertinant info about an entity. Subtypes are categories

    of the supertype that have additional attributes. An

    entity is broken down like this to prevent a bunch of

    null values in your tables.


    So where im getting a bit stuck...

    say i have the supertype DEFENDENT and its broken

    down to the subtypes INMATE and PROBATIONER

    my subtype identifier would be DEF_TYPE

    How would i communicate to SQL that

    each subtype contains specific details that do not

    apply to both subtypes and command it to

    list the shared attributes in the supertype?

    Im looking for a command that says. show the

    superype and 1 of the subtypes.


    What i came up with is that each subtype needs

    its own primary key and the supertype will

    require foreign key references from each. My

    main concern is that even though it is physically

    3 tables it is logically still 1 table(1 table divided

    to prevent nulls) Unfortunatly my reference material

    does not reflect subtype primary keys. They all

    reside under the supertype primary key.


    I have other tables as well. Included among others Probation Agent

    and Jail. Will i be connecting (supertype:defendent) to jail or

    (subtype:inmate) to jail. Similarly will I connect (supertype defendent)

    to probation agent or (subtype probationer) to probation agent


    as far as i have gotten i haven't uncovered a SQL command

    that refers to the subtype discriminatior.

    Its pretty clear that i need to read ahead in this book. Im building

    this database and I want it to be right. I dont really expect anybody

    to read all this or even be able to help because i wasn't able

    to clearly compose my question.

  3. [22:48] eon: im gonna grow my ginger puff out super long and weave it into a quilt. Im gonna give it to a gingerhater and the next time they speak down on my ginger people i m gonna tell them. Talk all the shit you want. Its the ginger that keeps you warm at night
  4. im down for a game. I sat in jail for a year

    and played 5-7 games a day EVERY FUCKING

    DAY. Towards the end there i got pretty decent.

    Ex-cons man... some of them guys are pretty

    skilled. I suppose if you sit in prison for a bunch

    of years there isnt much stopping you from

    learning the game


    shoot me a PM. im probably pretty rusty

    so you may be able to beat me

  5. good lookin on all them flix. thanks


    Some years back... 4 or 5 years there was

    a grayscale portrait hookup of a girls face

    Maybe 1 or 2 viaducts away

    from Jefferson on the west side wall in the

    market yard. It was on the north end of the

    wall next to an Irate burner. Anybody have

    a flik in their archive? Anybody kno who did



    unbump all these snow flix. I caught a chill

    just looking at em

  6. ok... heres 1.... this is gonna sound kinda fucked up be hear me out.

    After you get out of the shower and dry off turn the heat off on your hair dryer

    and blow dry your ballsack. No matter how well you dry your sack if its still damp

    it will get to smelling sour. Moisture just sitting on there wont evaporate

    but will mix with sweat and well... ya kno ... throw some baby powder in the


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