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Posts posted by abcs

  1. i have drive question

    Building a file server. One of the drives

    was fucked up so i replaced it.

    When i restarted the computer it started

    reading whatever was on the drive before I got to it.

    Im trying to boot from CD. I tried holding

    down C but its not feelin me.

    Now its giving me some options. None

    of which include booting from CD...

    Anything else i can do?

  2. hmm. speaking of eggs i just went outside to smoke and someone tried to

    egg my casa. The curious part is there is yolk all over the place. In the snow

    and a little on the driveway but they completely missed the house. No tracks in the sno

    quite alot of egg material but they completely failed. Im super confused right

    now. Someone Egged my lawn? What the fuck?

    oh and bacon chili mushroom omelete FTW... Im the omlete king. Ask somebody

  3. 1)Bessinger pickles and low fat cheese its at the same time... MagicaL!!!!!!

    2)Watching a movie... not so great but Shannyn Sossamon sexy ass has prevented me from turning it off.

    3)Bumming out about the cold. I want to smoke a cigarette but its too cold.

  4. as part of my studies ive been taking a general community college certification.

    Its pretty broad in its focus but ive been learning a lot. I am just kind of concerned

    that its too generic. Comprehensive... its 48 credit hours worth of classwork but still.

    So i also have all these Microsoft resources that ive been looking at. Everything i would

    need to prepare for and take certification tests. I'm kinda a noob. I feel like i should

    start at the bottom and i have MCSE microsoft press books. All of them but my concern

    is that before too very long MCSE will no longer be valid. After earning MCSE cert.

    1 additional test earns you all 3 MCTP certs. An additional test and you become MCITP-SA

    and 1 more will earn you MCITP-EA.

    Now im looking at this and realize that this is a monumental task. Lots of prep, lots of tests,

    lots of stress.

    As far as i can tell...If i really get it in i could probably do most of this in a year and a half.

    My question to all of you. MCSE has been around since 03. Microsoft scraps old certs

    every 7-10 years. When they decide to discontinue the old certifications like MCSE do they

    give MCSE holders sufficient time to upgrade or are you just screwed? I would

    just feel fucking terrible if i was to do all this and just as i finish my achievements are

    for nothing. I know that MCSE is not going to remain valid for ever. I realize that it is due

    to expire sooner than later. If i got the MCSE and they were like... ok people with the MCSE

    have a year to upgrade i would be chill with this but im not sure if they operate like that.

    At the same time i realize that the skills included in MCSE should overlap with

    the new hookups. While there have been alot of changes alot still remains the same. Plus

    alot of companies still use 2003 and will continue to use 2003. I dont consider learning these

    skills to be a waste of time but i want valid certs if im going to go through all the bullshit.

    So... insite would be appreciated. Alternative paths or suggestions as well. I appreciate any

    advice shot my way. The other thing i could add. The only money i expect to come off

    in this pursuit if i do decide to do this would be for the tests. I already have everything i need

    and plan to do this on the cheap

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