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Posts posted by abcs

  1. Imad.

    went to the bar. My little sis is the bartender. Theres this chik that works there... skinny little blonde hookup with a fat ass, nice body, and cute face. Anyhow shes wasted. I'm sitting at the bar drinking free Dos X and this girl pretty much has her hand down my pants right at the bar. She wants me to take her home.... she cant drive anyways and anyhow.... its a family restaurant and this not family friendly action


    little sister cockblock... they friends and she basically shot me out of the water. Wasn't even discrete about it. Made it like i was a dirtbag.... which may or may not be the case but i'm most certainly not above taking advantage of sexy looking drunk girls when its they idea in the first place.


  2. i'm eating pickles right /nohomo/ crunch dill Bessinger.

    hand full of cheese it per pickle but the last pickle

    i got wasn't crunchy. Bite in and there is no snap. Mushy pickle

    So its not a big deal. I just got a bad pickle.

    fucked up my high tho

  3. today. 2 midterm exams about some shit i give a fuck less about.

    half way between the tests which was on opposite sides of town homeboy

    car brakes down. So i walk to the library. Library is basically a warming

    station and smells like jail. Brought back some bad little memories but its

    crowded and good for dramatics. Police as soon as i got there were

    interogating some bum about never being allowed back in the library

    and an empty bottle of Percoset he just got filled yesterday. Really pretty white

    girl working at the library her hair looked good in the front and fucked up in the back.

    I may actually go back when i'm not all stressed out and try and talk at her. Maybe

    even get a book and bring her a comb. Passed both tests A on the networking

    and B on Java. Fuck a Java. end rant

  4. dems funny. No hate... in fact bump dems up down and left to right. Sometimes i will see a dems flik and be extrememly impressed. Other times i will see something and wonder if he did it left handed with his eyes closed and twisted back off a gallon of microwaved bottom shelf tequilla

  5. in the interest of showing appreciation.

    First off... that little cafe across the street from

    Evies next to Xochimilco.

    All them crunchy hookups i seen today.

    double epic bump elmer

    swag throwies

    And the face pics and name droppin

    needs to stop. Seriously?

    Fucks wrong with you



  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo


    dear not sure who,


    usually i work out... walk to the spa.... see nasty fat fucks and

    elect to not soak. Not only were you next level sexy but you

    were in a tiny ass swimsuit. I caught you glancing and i suppose

    you caught me too. Lets do it again sometime.


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