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Posts posted by abcs

  1. ^^^ same is true for me...catch half as many spots and crawl out on as many overpasses as fohr and then talk shit. Until that happens it falls on deaf ears thats not dirrected at red. I kno he does. Just sayin its too easy to talk shit on 12 oz. This is anti shit talk. Everybody is talking about things that went down years ago. Let bygones be bygones

  2. the first one wasnt bad enough....


    hahahahah. When you OD and go to the hospital they put monitors or sensors or something on you. When you peel em off it leaves square areas where the adhesive didnt come all the way off. This dirtbag must not wash very well. He probably overdosed on stupid

  3. heads kinda swimming. I loved a girl once. Only one. I stopped keeping track of how many i fucked. Abcs generally speaking dont love them hoes. Anyways. I haven't seen this girl in 4 years she moved to LA and was dating a chik. Calls me tonite wants to kik it. Now officially i hated her ever since but then it hit me. In situations like this. Fact that you have strong emotions at all suggests the very opposite of hate. I really cant call it. Not sure what to make of it. So tonite we got a drink. But now she wants to see me again tomorrow and i dont kno what to do. Its somewhere in between take it very slow or dont take it at all. This isnt about sex either. This girl wasn't the best lay. There was just always something about her that fucked my head up

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  4. there was an article in Maxim a few years ago about this.

    to answer your question No. They dont die of old age.


    What i took from it was that these guys wrestle very often.

    its not like football where they play to compete once a week.

    They may be getting throw around 5 or 6 nights a week.

    Even tho its all theatrics they are still taking hits and getting

    they asses beat. As a result they take shit loads of narcotic

    painkillers just to get into the ring. On top alot of them

    do a bunch of coke and take steroids.

    They mostly die of heart attacks and drug overdoses

  5. wu used to come thru quite alot too way back when. I

    think i seen 3/4 of them individually and the whole

    clan a few times on top. There used to be shows in

    the city. Times done changed. Im no fan of the Blind

    Pig either.

  6. any of you remember seeing People Under The Stairs

    at comtemporary like 6 years ago. Time flies when you're

    having fun. Atleast i think I was having fun.

    Million years ago I seen Pharcyde dont even remember

    where. I think it was mack and bellview. After they performed

    i was smoking tree and Imani happens thru. Hit the joint

    a few times and pulls out a ziplock party pack of assorted

    pills and powders asking for donations to take back to the

    "laboratory." Dude was plenty loose and judging by his

    full bag of tricks it was gonna get messy.

    Suppose its no small mystery why they fell off.

    That 1 bag alone contained more drugs that ive done in

    my entire life X 3. Figure its kinda hard to maintain your focus

    when you strung out like that.

  7. i was outside having a smoke before class and this girl walks by. I got the

    preliminary once over, returned it in kind. The second look i received was something else.

    One of those 3 seconds deep i want to get naked and do your homework looks. Anything

    but subtle. Lady i was talking to even said something when she was gone. I didn't really

    give it a second thought, she was cute but probably 19...AKA a bit young. I walk into class

    and there she is in the lab next door straight staring wrex up for like an hour and a half.

    I was going to wait until break to break her down but she left just before.

    The shits starting to get funny to me. I'm taking some computer classes at the community

    college. Its a 2 year certificate program so I will be there for a second. I'm not there to

    make friends or talk to 18 year old talent but i'm starting to think that if i wanted to be that

    asshole it wouldnt be too hard.

  8. i was hoping maybe someone could help me to understand something

    in possibly a medical way.

    I was stressed out... had a job that was fucking me up and was going

    to the gym all the time. This is when i melted down and started taking

    alot of xanax.

    Anyhow. I lost the job and stopped going to the gym. Stopped taking the

    stickbats and everything calmed down

    When i was in the mix i thought that working out all the time was helping me

    in some way. Helping me to burn off the tension and anxiety

    Fast forward to today. I went to the gym... didn't overdo it. Took a swim and

    sat in the sauna for a minute and now I'm feeling the same type of anxiety that

    i had a few months ago.

    It seems kinda like the exercise is the cause of the anxiety. How can this be?


    In trying to answer my own question... i kno that when you work out your brain

    releases chemicals. serotonin and the like. Could it be that I don't have a chemical

    imbalance per say unless i engage in strenuous activity? I'm thinking this is the case.

    My question is what can i do to remedy the situation.... short of not working out?

    I want to be in shape but i don't need the anxiety.

    Anybody else have this problem?

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