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Everything posted by Skol

  1. sick dude a tech deck.
  2. Skol

    graff songs

    Wrong side of the tracks
  3. Haha put the pic back up
  4. its preety good, nice even drips no blobs but it takes a while to dry
  5. Skol


    its pretty good low pressure kinda like alien but they have some sick colors.
  6. whats gonna happen to all the old cans? sometimes at home depo if you look hard you can find a female painter touch but its rare.
  7. if you sleep somewhere different every night dont worry about it,but if you in school in shit i would change my name..
  8. all nation is good. Bench is too but its a little pricey for a magazine
  9. Arys and seone "Fuck montana man i use krylon and a stock tip" haha. "well your a fucking toy." haha..
  10. I was with my homie at my layup and we see this guy runnin at us so we stop for a second he says "ohh i dont care if your painting" so we say cool. then i say what are you doing? he sayd "i just got off to take a piss." got off? "yeah im on this train,and were leaving in 7 minutes so i would hurry up with your paintings",he said.. i dont really know if he was a conductor or something but he was hella chill expecily when i was paining a fresh boxcar.
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